Syria. Bomb or not to bomb?

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
So how would you vote? Personally I think we should learn history's lessons. We bombed Libya and ISIS was born. We were going to bomb Assad - then went 180 degrees and want to bomb Assad's enemy. We then want to hand over the country to the free Libyan Army led by Luke Skywalker and Mary Poppins. FFS wake up people. When 34 Brits were shot in Tunisia - then what was Cameron's response? Err well nothing actually. Not a thing. Then Paris gets hit and he wants to join WW3. Wake up guys. No Gulf state is bombing ISIS. Canada and Australia are no-longer bombing Syria. So why are we suddenly in an all out rush to join the fight? We won't change the war, but British citizens will almost certainly die as a result somewhere in the World. As Gandhi used to say: An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

So are you for the bombing or against it? And why?
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I agree.
I'm all for leaving the sub-humans to their own devices, and if any do-gooders want to go there to help the 'unfortunates' they have only themselves to blame for the consequences. Quite apart from that, do we still have an effective air force? Do we still have an effective army or navy?

We should really be pulling up the drawbridge and rooting out all the undesirables who have already infiltrated our country and our society. Now that the EU have decided to effectively allow Turkey free rein in Europe, it is essential that we get out of the EU right away.

Of course, what we should do and what Call Me Dave says he'll do are two complete opposites. He will go down in history as our weakest ever PM, and what an epitaph for him. He doesn't seem to mind, though. He probably doesn't care. He probably doesn't even realise.
I think this all depends whether you think there is actually a solution to the problem. People who say don't bomb usually follow it up by saying we need to talk to these people and find out what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want a global caliphate run under their particular interpretation of strict Islamic rule. Here's the plan; take some land (tick) Establish a base (tick) set up resources and income stream (tick) gather initial support from around the World (tick) Kill anything that gets in your way (tick) Become established and organised (in progress) Activate Worldwide network to complete the process. (TBA)

Bombing won't solve the long run but what will exactly? As you can see from the plan we are at establishment stage. Best we can try and do at the moment is disrupt and slow it down. Weaken and break it up a bit. And then we might have a chance of moving in and finishing it off. Or we could sit back and do nothing. What's your solution?
The Paris attack was carried out by people that lived and were born in Belgium. The 7/7 attack was carried out by people of Pakistani descent born in Yorkshire. Shouldn't we be bombing Belgium and Yorkshire? Well?
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Never liked Belgium anyway. Send in the tornadoes!
What - both of them ?
Belgium was our Achillies heel in WW2 - worthless bunch of turds.

Tornadoes ? Gonna pay £35k an hour, without ordnance and refuel costs ? F'k that never worth it. After all we don't wanna pay tax, do we ?

I agree.
I'm all for leaving the sub-humans to their own devices, and if any do-gooders want to go there to help the 'unfortunates' they have only themselves to blame for the consequences. Quite apart from that, do we still have an effective air force? Do we still have an effective army or navy?

We should really be pulling up the drawbridge and rooting out all the undesirables who have already infiltrated our country and our society. Now that the EU have decided to effectively allow Turkey free rein in Europe, it is essential that we get out of the EU right away.

Of course, what we should do and what Call Me Dave says he'll do are two complete opposites. He will go down in history as our weakest ever PM, and what an epitaph for him. He doesn't seem to mind, though. He probably doesn't care. He probably doesn't even realise.
Spot on!
What's more worrying is how much it will cost us to rebuild Syria when we have finished bombing. Then we'll have to re-home all the captured terrorists and displaced civilians over here, give them free health care, dress their wounds, give them spending money and food vouchers, apologise etc.

Personally I don't think that bombing them will get us anywhere as they are not all sitting nicely in their houses waiting to be bombed. They are everywhere and it's basically too late to do anything. If America is already bombing them do they really need our help? They have the fire power to destroy the World so I don't think our piddling ammunition will make any difference.

I also don't think it's fair to send troops in, who will risk their lives because the ineptness of our jellied politicians and blinkered do-gooders.

Unfortunately, as a Country, we have made our bed and will now just have to lie in it.
IS down a Russian airliner because they are involved in Syria. IS attack Paris because they are involved in Syria. So what does Cameron do? Get us involved in Syria. So guess what will happen guys? The British public who probably don't even agree with the bombing in Syria get wasted. Career politicians making decisions based on their career paths. Let's hope it's the politicians that get shot this time around.
We should keep our conks out of every other b*gger's business and let them get on with it.
My view is that we should bomb the German government building when Herr Merkel is at home. After all, she's the one that invited millions of these refugees over to Europe in the first place. Izal said they were smuggling in thousands of their operatives/terrorists in with the "genuine"?? refugees (I question "genuine" as most of them seem to be economic migrants)
I honestly believe Cameron should be bolstering our borders and making plans to hold an early referendum on our continued membership of the EU and leave the muzzies to their games out East, or at least send the UN Middle East Envoy out there to sort it out (but we know Blair will avoid the ME like the plague)
I feel it's a difficult one. Do we sit back and just let them get stronger?
If they get strong enough, we'd still be on the list as part of the global caliphate anyway.

As previously stated, how many covert Jihadi's are here anyway, awaiting the go ahead?
But Syria is a hornet's nest. If you throw stones at a hornet's nest they will come out and sting you. As the French and Russians recently found out. The only way to deal with a hornet's nest is leave it well alone - or cover it with petrol and incinerate it. Maybe Trident will find a use one day after all?
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