25 Years of Predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’.

The Little Ice Age was caused by volcanic activity. I bet we'd notice a major eruption today - what with all our scientific instruments and stuff.
What's your theory for why there hasn't been any extra warming for more than 18 years Joe? (despite the fact that CO2 has continued to increase off the scale)

Because if the measurements matched the models, there would be a lot of egg-heads out of work. Nothing left to prove, all sorted, pack up and go home. ;)
They might be daft, but not that daft.
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The 'ten warmest years' thing is just a propaganda device used by climate alarmists to create media hype. It's clever and easy for people to remember, especially those who might otherwise struggle with the details, but it has nothing to do with climate change and you won't hear any serious scientists using it.
That's what all the conspiracy theorists say. :rolleyes:
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We don't need to worry about global warming. Once the arctic melts and switches off the gulf stream we'll all be living in Siberia mk2
That too the way things are going. Imagine living on an iceberg under sharia law and having to bend down 5 times a day.
I think I'll start selling kneepads. :LOL:
Has there ever been a proven theory about anything? :rolleyes:
And there's no may about it, if the gulf stream slows down we'll freeze, look at a globe and see where we are ffs.
Has there ever been a proven theory about anything? :rolleyes:
And there's no may about it, if the gulf stream slows down we'll freeze, look at a globe and see where we are ffs.

I read somewhere that the Gulf Stream theory was postulated by a French naval captain in the 1700 or 1800s and, because it has been repeated enough, it has become accepted as the truth.

And, unless the sea itself freezes around the UK, we won't "freeze" (as in Siberia "freeze").
It's more scientifically based than that. I don't really understand it don't get me wrong. But I saw it on a science program once where they were saying that the warm water from the gulf heads up to the pole at the surface and is replaced by colder water from the pole going in the opposite direction but at a great depth because its cold. A convection current in other words. They were saying that the fear was that too much cold water sinking down at the pole because of melting ice would switch off the circulation somehow.
I can't link to the article on my phone, but look up thermohaline circulation on Wikipedia.
among the points it makes is that, even if the gulf stream shuts down (very unlikely), the warming effect will still overcome any cooling.

Unlikely to shut down as there is an order of magnitude too little fresh water ice to melt at the poles, to switch off the flow.
It's more scientifically based than that. I don't really understand it don't get me wrong. But I saw it on a science program once where they were saying that the warm water from the gulf heads up to the pole at the surface and is replaced by colder water from the pole going in the opposite direction but at a great depth because its cold. A convection current in other words. They were saying that the fear was that too much cold water sinking down at the pole because of melting ice would switch off the circulation somehow.
Phew, good job Arctic sea ice is increasing then.


(PS. IMO the DM is garbage, but it's one of Joe's favourite sources so thought it would be appropriate here.)
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