Data and telephone through single cat 5e cable


Saw an install recently with ports labelled D1 D2 D3 V1 V2 V3 etc. The voice ones being patched back to a separate patch panel, the patch panel actually being a "voice" one.

I gently commented to the guy installing that it was a poor design. And he said "we'll why do they make voice patch panels then?". Had to explain they are designed to present a PBXs extensions INTO the cabinet, and not used for the termination of flood wiring!

It bugs me, as these guys install these bodgy systems, and charge the customer a premium for it.
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There's little (if any) benefit to using CW1308 (standard phone cable) other than perhaps a marginal cost saving (very marginal in most home situations where it would mean having two lots of left over cable). A Cat5e cable can be used for pretty much anything - such a another network cable should you go VoIP.
Agree, perhaps I should have used the term 'dedicated' rather than 'proper'.

I was really trying to get the point over that running two cables would always be better than trying to mix things. That might be a valid reason if the cable had already been installed and a second was not an option but in this case the first cable has yet to be installed!!

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