Has the centime finally dropped?

10 May 2006
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United Kingdom
Hollande has said France is at war with isis and must fight by all possible means.
I wonder if that would include closing the borders and stopping free movement, doubt it, he'd probably rather use nerve gas on them than slay that sacred cow. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Hollande and Merkel....the gruesome twosome.
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Hollande has said France is at war with isis and must fight by all possible means.

I could have told him that, f*cking years ago.

The sensible people have been warning the 'clever' people for years. Nobody listened.
Most (or some) of these attackers are said to have been "known to the police".

What exactly does that mean? Are we all "known to the police"?

What do you think should have been done about such people?
Our turn next, and you'll see all the f*cking left wing do-gooders crying on the streets. They were the ones that f*cked it all up. How do you work that one out.
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Hollande has said France is at war with isis .
Old news. Notice the date:

Has the centime finally dropped?

Yes, sooey has read a 6-month old news report.

He's a bit slow.

You might not have noticed but a Christian priest was killed TODAY, some reports say he was beheaded, by a couple of guess what....MUSLIMS.
I was commenting on Hollande's reaction at the scene to that event, not interested in what he said 6 months ago.
And you think I'm slow.
Ah, welcome to the weird world of Himmy. Any chance to try and insult and he will take it. Doesn't matter if he misunderstood in the first place, he'll still try and belittle.
And he wonders why so many have little time for him.

*cue the next whining episode*
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