How to transfer photos and videos from smart phone to computer?

Why would hackers target them less?

Mac is less than 6% of the market. But there are plenty of Mac trojen's out there e.g. Mac Defefender
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market share. I think windows sucks btw - I'm a mac and mint fan, but its wrong to think your mac is somehow more secure. People just can't be bothered to chase 6%
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Surely hackers chase anything vulnerable?
Quantity, not quality :) Hackers tend to try and go for max amount of disturbance etc, not bother with a small percentage.

Had a mac for pushing 20 years (needed for work originally but now prefer them) and never had a problem, no virus, no nothing.
they don't do it manually.

key loggers/trojans aren't difficult to write. even today there are lots of websites that can be overtyped to bypass the security.

the scum bags are the ones who phone old people and sell them life time microsoft support and then leave traces on the computer to collect bank accounts and passwords. my father in law got stung by this gang based in leeds.
Stick to sawing roof wood and digging holes mate. Sorry Boyo.
It's ok bud. I know very little about the dark computer world.

My boy has a Mac which was recommended by my bro-in-law, whose job relies upon computers. He told me they were 'bomb proof'. Good enough for me.
With a Mac It won't gradually slow down as it gets older like windows machines do. My kids have old windows laptops that I have converted to Mint. V Fast, free and safe. Very hard for them to get a virus. I prefer my macbook pro from a user point of view.. Aluminium and glass instead of plastic.

But sometimes you need windows.
Eh? WTF?? I merely said hacking is a truly shoity business. What's your real problem Blighty?
Highlighting the quantity and quality bit didn't make sense with your comment.
But thankyou for clearing it up now. :) Yes, it is a 'shoity' business, agreed.
With a Mac It won't gradually slow down as it gets older like windows machines do.
Nah, but macs become obsolete when they become no longer supported. Eventually nothing much works on them. I've an old apple laptop which I keep purely because I have photoshop on it, it's the only thing left on it that works!
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