Light dimmer switch help

17 May 2014
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United Kingdom
Hi I have just installed a single light switch dimmer in the living room its a light which is controlling a 3 way light(40w spot R50 x3)

I youtubed a install job and it looked pretty simple so gave it a shot.

Obviously made sure all electrics switched off and test in case of live wires etc.

But I found 2 exact identical red wires inside ?

I connected the top one to L1 and the bottom to L2 on the dimmer, seems to have worked fine but was unsure which one to enter where since both were same I just went for either, hope this was ok !?

but have just noticed a click noise came from it so bit concerned....
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This is a British site I was unaware Holland used red wires I thought brown and blue for many years. Rest of Europe does not tend to worry like we do if line or neutral so better to ask on local forum.
thanks but am British and in england!

the site detected a proxy and won't allow me to edit profile.

So would 2 red wires that look the same be both the same and no matter which plug entered be ok ?
thank you moderator was unable to find that edit profile option, all fixed.

Heard no click noise and new dimmer is doing 100% fine in this old british home!

It would have been nice to get confirmation though if a light switch has 2 identical red wires if you can put them in either L1 or L2 ports, since they looked same I just stuck them in either and it still works!
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It would have been nice to get confirmation though if a light switch has 2 identical red wires if you can put them in either L1 or L2 ports, since they looked same I just stuck them in either and it still works!

Yes you can, confirmed.
It would have been nice to get confirmation though if a light switch has 2 identical red wires if you can put them in either L1 or L2 ports, since they looked same I just stuck them in either and it still works!

Yes you can, confirmed.

thanks nice to have some peace of mind :)

Everything has been working fine for past few weeks so all well