Recommend an alarm for my metal shed

I have managed to get the alarm to text me but it still has com port 1 fault displayed? If I try to arm it says do I want to arm with faults.

In wintex

In the radio pad com port options

I have onboard digi com as com2400 module
com port 1 and 2 as nothing fitted

com baud rate 2400
expansion port nothing fitted

I did read the //

Within this thread it was recommended to set up as follows

on board dig com 2400
com port 1 if using premier 24 set to com2400
if using elite 24 com port 1 nothing fitted, you should be able to use the com ip on here if its the elite 24.

but when I selected on board digi com2400 and com port 1 digi to com2400 and then tried to download to panel it stopped halfway and said there was a communication error. I then had a panic attack because I thought com port 1 was where my computer was connected. I retried several times to connect and when it did I changed to what I have said above

"I have onboard digi com as com2400 module
com port 1 and 2 as nothing fitted

com baud rate 2400
expansion port nothing fitted"

Are these the settings from the other thread what I really need and my coms failiure was just a coincidence?

Again many thanks in adavnce,
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Hi Si,

if you try and change the setting of a comport with wintex and your connected on that comport it will stop, because to use the comport to transfer data it must not be changed to something else.

As your system is an Elite 24, only the onboard digi should be com2400.

Comport 1 is not used or if you have a com-ip on there it would become com ip obviously.

Is the system working properly now and no errors?
Check via keypad not wintex go to comm port set up , if you go to comm 1 and it says nothing fitted press reset that will clear the comm port of any errors ,
Hi secureiam,

my alarm is the premier 24 not the elite.

I have a com port 1 fault at the moment

and In wintex

In the radio pad com port options

I have onboard digi com as com2400 module
com port 1 and 2 as nothing fitted

com baud rate 2400
expansion port nothing fitted

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Hi sparkymarka

Check via keypad not wintex go to comm port set up , if you go to comm 1 and it says nothing fitted press reset that will clear the comm port of any errors ,

I did what you suggested it said nothing fitted , I pressed reset then came out of the menu's but it still says com port 1 fault.


on the keypad, enter engineers code.

7 yes, 8 yes (should now be saying on board digi com 2400)
press 0, press reset, press 0

scroll down to comport 1 (do you have a com-ip unit)

if yes, program as com ip, press yes then 0, then reset, press 0. make sure unit is plugged on.
if no, program as not used, press yes then 0, then reset, press 0.

scroll down to comport 2, make sure this is nothing fitted.

You will notice that when you prss zero you can see some strings/ text inthe displat pressing reset, clears this out.

The com speed does not need changing if you are using com-ip on com1 system automtaically handles it, if on com port 2 you would need to change it.

com back out of engineering should be in day mode time and date displayed.
Sorry, sorry, sorry

it is an elite 24

firmware 2.11 I think (I've just been back into wintex but couldn't find where the firmware version is, I can't remember where I saw 2.11)

I have tried


on the keypad, enter engineers code.

7 yes, 8 yes (should now be saying on board digi com 2400)
press 0, press reset, press 0

scroll down to comport 1 (do you have a com-ip unit)

if yes, program as com ip, press yes then 0, then reset, press 0. 9make sure unit is plugged on.
if no, program as not used, press yes then 0, then reset, press 0.

scroll down to comport 2, make sure this is nothing fitted.

You will notice that when you prss zero you can see some strings/ text inthe displat pressing reset, clears this out.

The com speed does not need changing if you are using com-ip on com1 system automtaically handles it, if on com port 2 you would need to change it.
com back out of engineering should be in day mode time and date displayed.

I have done all of the above when I press reset to clear strings/text more appears. It was difficult to work out this morning because people moving about the house but it looked to me each time a detector was activated more strings/text appeared.

I came out to day mode time and date but unfortunately I still have com 1 port fault.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond,
Ok then , where did you get the comm2400 from ? Is it plugged on correctly ? Are all the pins in the socket ?
press menu and 4 on the keypad will tell you the version number.

Wintex has the version top right of the screen of the file you have open.

how are you connecting to the panel to use wintex?

if you have pictures of the coms ports and of the com2400 and how its plugged in.

If your still struggling, pm me.

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