Who will I vote for

In all honesty, the Tories don't deserve to win. What have they really done in 5 years, except build up another debt-fuelled boom?

I don't think I will be voting Tory, but be fair, it is a coalition government and not a Tory government.

The Tories wanted to radically change healthcare, whatever arguments for or against their plans, change is needed and the Lib Dems opposed any radical reforms. I am not in support of their plans, but they are better than labours 'throw money at things' solution, not even sure the Lib Dems or UKIP even know themselves what they would do.....

Same with welfare. The 'bedroom tax' was fiddling around the edges, but still caused massive media butt-hurt and barely got through the coalition.

And the debt fuelled boom? Well it isn't really just a debt fuelled boom, private savings are up, as much as government debt is up. Much of it is a housing boom, but none of the parties want to address the deep structural issues that cause massive house price distortion (and nothing to do with greenbelt or lack of building), even the Lib Dem mansion tax is fiddling round the edges, so I think it unfair to blame the Tories for this more or less than any other party.

The Tories did as much as they could do in a coalition, or as much as any other party would have anyway.

Don't misunderstand me, I consider them a failed government, but the others would likely have done worse.

It is also patently obvious that UKIP policies are mostly conservative policies that the conservatives can't get passed anyway.

UKIP would serve a far better function as a protest group than as a political party, they make pulling out of the EU less not more likely, but then farage wouldn't get to play with his political toys.
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I don't think I will be voting Tory, but be fair, it is a coalition government and not a Tory government.

The Tories did as much as they could do in a coalition, or as much as any other party would have anyway.

I agree. The Tory-LimpDem coalition was doomed to failure as the two parties are at opposite ends of the spectrum. It seems that whatever the Tories propose, the LimpDems oppose. And see where it has got them! The Limps have lost most of their public support, and serve them right.

It is also patently obvious that UKIP policies are mostly conservative policies that the conservatives can't get passed anyway.

Which is why I think that a Tory-UKIP coalition could succeed. The only stumbling block, from my personal perspective, is that Call-Me-Dave is opposed to an in/out EU referendum and, of course, despite his promise of a referendum at the END of 2017, is renowned for his U-turns. We live in a democracy, don't we? A referendum is a means of allowing the public to determine their own future, so on what grounds can anyone object to holding one?

I'm sure it's purely coincidence, but I hear that 2017 is the year when the Lisbon Treaty will be changed such that the UK will only be permitted to leave the EU if ALL the other member states agree to it! Please, someone, tell me that I have that wrong.
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