You could not make this s h i t up...

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if you go back a few posts i say about 65million
tha actuall numbers ar irrelivent when compared to 20 thousands over 5 years that was the point

So it's all guessing then???

Surely you're not expecting people to believe that '20 thousand over five years' nonsense.!!!!!! :LOL:

You need locking up.:D
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well iff my guess off 65 was 0.5 out thats about 99.2 percent accurate :rolleyes:
as for 20 thousand have a go at the torries thats there figure:D
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its called an educated guess where you know fairly closley but accept you can be wrong
putting that on top off sources varying slightly :rolleyes:
anyway you call it what you like others will judge me on how fair i try and be :D
its called an educated guess where you know fairly closley but accept you can be wrong
putting that on top off sources varying slightly :rolleyes:
anyway you call it what you like others will judge me on how fair i try and be :D

Nope, Staunch left wing. :D I've always liked you though. Wrong all the time, but, hey!!!!:D
Hey Big-all, How many illegal immigrants has this country received in the last ten years.??????

Might as well guess.:LOL:
now heres the rub
illegal immigrants by there nature will stay below the radar to avoid arrest and or deportation so only guesses mostly widly innacurate possibly on purpose by various governments to appease the voters
sorry my squigly line that tells me i have spelt it wrong isnt working
so sorry for that:eek:
havnt got a clue really but would say take the official figure and double it possibly more:rolleyes:
I agree. If the census figures for population in Britain say about 65 million, you can be sure that the true figure will be much higher.
I wouldn't like to guess at the actual number, but I fear the worst.
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