Extra zone valve wiring in - y plan system

15 Feb 2012
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United Kingdom
I have a Y plan heating system and am proposing to add a zone and zone valve after the pump and 3 way valve. This is to stop the bedrooms being heated during the day. I know that I will not be able to heat the bedrooms only - this is not a problem!

I was going to use a new programmable themostat to control this zone valve but do not know how to wire this up using the Sundial Plan I currently have.

Can anyone please advise which terminals I should be wiring this valve and new thermostat into?

The only reason for using a progrmmable stat is to give frost protection on this new zone - i.e if its cold enough the boiler will already be firing and this zone valve will then open - if the thermostat also agrees.

Would it be possible therefore, that instead of using a programmable stat, to wire a simple timer for the new zone valve but also wire it into the Sundial Plan that will open the zone valve when the frost stat kicks in? Or will this confuse things as both valves will be activated when called for due to the wiring required for the frost stat? In which case, I will go for a programmable stat.....

Hope that is not all too confusing.

Many thanks

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Use a programmable 'stat. You can use the end switch orange wire to power up the white wire on the Y Plan if you wish. This will bring the zone plus the rest of the heating on if it's not already on.
Mystery man - thanks. Can you please explain which wires from the new zone valve I will need to wire into where in the current system?

Is it not possible to use a simple timer but also have the zone benefitting from frost protection? The more I think about it the more I would prefer this option. A programmable stat is not going to be of any benefit in this instance as I would set the temp I want to achieve much higher than the room is going to get as I can't fit the stat in the coldest room.... so I am not using it as a true programmable stat- only a timer with frost protection.

just wire it as an independent zone, and common the orange with the existing.

The only drawback you'll get is either the HWS or main Heating will be on with the new zone, but you'd need the change the Y plan to solve that.
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Sorry... should have added.... i'm not familar with the wiring.

I want to know exactly which colour wires from the new zone valve (that the pumber is fitting) do I need to use and where do they go on the Honeywell Sundial Plan?

What colour cable is it that I should switch/ add the thermostat or timer to?
The 2 port valve should have a grey (permanent live) A brown, ( switched live) from the Stat. Orange which should connect to the orange in the 3port valve wiring center.

The programmable stat also requires a L & N.
doitall - Do I need to use all five wires from the zone valve? Where in the wiring centre do I wire them all into - this is the bit I don't understand.

Is it possible for this zone valve to open when the frost stat calls for heat, but not open when the main mid position valve is open for CH?
Yes you do.

The grey needs to be a permanent live.

The blue is the neutral.

Green/yellow is the earth.

The brown goes to the switched live from the stat, post the make/model

The orange goes with the other orange.

In addition you also need a live and neutral to the stat.
Thanks. Not yet decided on the stat, it might be a battery powered one.... in whcih case I assume the wiring changes slightly.

If the brown goes into the stat, where does the wire coming out of the stat go to?

If I am to just use a seperate timer (thinking simple on/off immersion type) to control this zone valve, can I have it so the frost stat will still open this valve?
I would go for the Honeywell CM 927 programmable room stat or cheap the Salus.

That way the receiver can go some where handy to the wiring center and the stat where ever you like.

Wiring the 927 receiver is as follows

Live + Neutral.

Link the live to A.

Connect the brown from the MV to B

Set it up job done.
Hmm, good plan to go with the wireless stat - only thing is that it would need to go about 15 meters away (straight line) and through 2 walls, each about 1 meter thick stone - would it work?

Still do not understand the wiring - sorry :oops: :

I ahve five wires from the new zone valve - how many and which ones of these - connect to the wiring centre? Do they just connect into it where the current 3 port valve is - except one which I presume needs to go via the stat first?
Look on the Honeywell web site and download the pdf for Y plan. While there you can download the info for the CM 927

Hopefully it will make it clearer.

A pic showing the wires in the wiring center will help if it's clear.
I have the wiring diagram printed out - but because it is full of wires already, I do not understand how I should wire 2 zone valves into it.....?
Ok if you are looking at the Honeywell plan, but remember it may not be wired this way so we/you would need to check.

terminal 1 is live, and you would connect the new grey wire to it.

Terminal 2 is the neutral for the blue.

Terminal 3 is the earth.

Terminal 8 is where the orange goes.

As you can see 9-10 are free, so the brown from the MV goes here with a wire to B in the receiver.

You will also need a L & N to the receiver (terminals 1 & 2)

Whether the wireless stat would work, see what the info is on their web site and ask Honeywell if needed.
Thanks, am starting to follow!

But.... tt is the Honeywell Sundial Plan Wiring Centre I am using..... like the one shown here:
http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/... What wire goes into A of the receiver?

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