How do I know if my car will go into the drive

3 Jun 2007
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N East
United Kingdom
I have a narrow approach to my drive which then goes downhill into a carport. Is there a safe (non scratch !) way of calculating whether the car can get in. The car is a Mazda MX5, the approach road is about 6 feet wide. the drive about 7 feet wide at right angles to the road.
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6ft 90° 7ft! You're avin a laugh! What year is the MX5?

If I'm bored later and i can find a CAD drawing of an MX5 I'll do an ickle CAD sketch.
I saw something on Blue Peter once which involved a lot of cornflake boxes and four dustbin lids

I think the Mazda will fit, but just remember to get up enough speed to do the required hand-brake turn into the house driveway
I have a narrow approach to my drive which then goes downhill into a carport. Is there a safe (non scratch !) way of calculating whether the car can get in. The car is a Mazda MX5, the approach road is about 6 feet wide. the drive about 7 feet wide at right angles to the road.

Get some scrap carpet and cover the car roof with it. Then drive in v-e-r-y slowly.
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OK sorry my estimates were a guess and were a bit out.
Approach road is 9 feet wide....Drive is 11 feet wide...I think the
MX 5...2.5 (2003) is 29 feet turning circle
Any reason why you can't re-model the corners of your drive?
The corners are fixed really, certainly at the moment. I can jiggle with the inside a bit (to widen the space the MX front wheel will take up on the drivers side when swinging in) The sketch is correct as to the way the car approaches,
ie. from the right of the sketch then turning left towards the bottom. Hope that's not too garbled !
OK sorry my estimates were a guess and were a bit out.
Approach road is 9 feet wide
not 6 then - as Hendrix once said " if six turned up to be 9 - I don`t mind , I don`t mind " and neither do I :mrgreen:
Draw the road and drive to a scale and cut out a piece of card the same size as your car to the same scale. You can then move the card over the drawing to see if it fits. It may be better to consider reversing in, that effective makes the car rear wheel steer.
No - he still has the Mazda.

But it looks like this now:

To the OP...go to a deserted industrial estate tomorrow and drive along the road with the middle white line about level with your right wing mirror, and turn tightly left into a road somewhere. Measure how much space you needed.
Indeed , Andy - but there will be a lot more deserted estates now ;)

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