Tory Government? God help us all

  • Thread starter LittlePlum2
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Are we taking a trip back to the seventies here, the working class have not been cared for, for about 40 years, illegals, dolites, benefit fraudsters and violent criminals are higher up in the pecking order.
It's time someone had the balls to deal with them, and afraid to say the current Labour party have only added to the woes.
It's much like it was when Blair was elected over Major, it's time for a change, most of us have had enough.
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It`s getting to the point where no one in this country will want to go to work!!!!! I went to a house today where a single Mum who had popped out 3 kids to 3 different dads moved in to a semi detached home with full central heating, unvented cylinder for hot water and a fu*cking solar panel!! ready made garden, shed with arrangements made to store bicycles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a back boiler!! not jealousy but for God`s sake!! no wonder people won`t work!!

I can't believe a man that writes that wants more of the same.
I don`t believe that the tories will bother with with us, at least under L abour you had the minimum wage, working families etc, it will be gone under Tories, Life with Labour wasn`t great, take a low paid job now and ask the Tory govenment to top it up to a living standard, they won`t, under them it`s every man for silly. stupid fools....Thatcher lives............. every man/woman should work every day of his/her life if they are unable, then they should benefit from welfare,it should not be a way of life, which it is for a lot of people, think the Tories will change this? don`t make me laugh....
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Really? watch your hourly rate drop like a stone in the next 12 months mate.......It`s back to the greedy b*astards making a mint out of the working man, won`t be long before you are doffing your cap to the likes of Cameron and his cronies, fantasy? mark my words.................
The Tories are coming on like they care about the ordinary man in the street but will drop you like a sack of shight, they only look after their own, posh, eaton, rich twits, your all being fooled by the chinless wonder.
no ones being fooled, but lets have a right good look at Labour, even the most common of men, "Prescot" strives to be middle class and there will be many more of them, they may not be toffs but they ripped us all off the same.
By voting for a complete toff... makes sense....

so far you haven't said much to say about the very valid points raised against your view.

to reply with absurd nonsense like that simply proves you are an idiot. did your dad vote labour by any chance? :rolleyes:

You haven`t raised any points against my view, as far as i can recollect,which says more about you than me, oaf...if you have an opinion I will laughably be willing to hear it. Hurry up, I have clogs to finish and my hands are bleeding Sir........

i didn't say i had raised any points. :confused: do you have a reading problem?

The only people who are sick of him are the greedy, self serving vermin who are only out for there own interests, like you, slimeball.

Have a guess who the wealthly people voted for :!:

Then why is it that under Labour policies they has abandoned the working class ? and from the FT link below:

The gap between the rich and poor has grown steadily during Labour's years in power, official figures have revealed.

The wealthly made more money under Labour than they did with Margaret Thatcher years
I'm pretty happy for the Tories to form a government, whether it’s as a minority or in a LibCon coalition. They will **** things up big time, and the electorate will remember why they stopped voting in the likes of Dave and Gideon. If anyone thinks those two Eton twits give a monkey’s toss about ordinary people, they need to remove their head from their bumhole. Read the Tory manifesto. If you haven’t, why the **** did you vote for them?

The next few months will be horrible and painful. But in the meantime, Labour can sort itself out, elect a new leader and hopefully remember who it’s really supposed to represent.

Early election, maybe next year. Tories pwned. Sorted.
Then why is it that under Labour policies they has abandoned the working class ?
They havent abandoned the working class. They have simply turned the working class into criminals, dole scroungers and incapacity scroungers by making it easier and more socially acceptable to claim these things.
I'm pretty happy for the Tories to form a government, whether it’s as a minority or in a LibCon coalition. They will **** things up big time, and the electorate will remember why they stopped voting in the likes of Dave and Gideon. If anyone thinks those two Eton twits give a monkey’s toss about ordinary people, they need to remove their head from their bumhole. Read the Tory manifesto. If you haven’t, why the **** did you vote for them?

The next few months will be horrible and painful. But in the meantime, Labour can sort itself out, elect a new leader and hopefully remember who it’s really supposed to represent.

Early election, maybe next year. Tories pwned. Sorted.

Can you give me one policy that is unfair?... A lot of peopel spout this crap but haven't got a clue about why it is they think that..they have just been told that the tories are bastards because (and lets be clear here, the press have only just turned tory so for years the red tops were spouting crap).
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