How football should be played..



Anyone watching SoccerAid 2010?

Well isn't this just how footy should be played?

And i certainly don't mean skill or fitness levels, but just look at the spirit this game is being played with.

It's obviously extremely important to all the players to win, and they're extremely passionate about the game...
But just look at at ALL that respect.... it's awesome to see. No one pretending to be injured, no histrionics... and everyone looking out for the welfare of each other.

All those trumped up multi-millionaires, currently in SA, about to represent billions of adoring fans across the globe, should take note !!!!
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Great to watch, unlike the debacle that is about to unfold.
Great to watch, unlike the debacle that is about to unfold.

unfortunately from the sublime to the ridiculous... and all because one's business based, and the other charity based !! :rolleyes:
Get Paul Robinson back from South Africa and get Jamie Theakston on a plane ASAP.
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I tell you what though.. ZZ can still do it. The effort he put in, with all his millions. Quality.