


.. just seen a trailer for the above program... and it shows a small, asian lady armed and dangerous (a la Lara Croft) having a fight with a bloke.

My question is, could you punch a woman in the face during a fight? Obviously, it's fine in a fight with a bloke, but a small woman? or would you just restrain her? :eek:
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Personally, I'd turn on the James Bond charm and be in her knickers within seconds. Make passionate love until she fell asleep in my arms,,,,,,,,, Then Strangled the b*****d .

Do I win a tenner? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
and do you look like Daniel Craig?????????????????????????????????????
Personally, I'd turn on the James Bond charm and be in her knickers within seconds. Make passionate love until she fell asleep in my arms,,,,,,,,, Then Strangled the b*****d .

Do I win a tenner? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

yep you're in the running for the best answer this week... keep your fingers crossed !!!
and do you look like Daniel Craig?????????????????????????????????????

Christ ,,,,,,,,Daniel Craig took beauty lessons off me Diane!!! It were me that sent him to the dentist's, body sculptors, beauty parlour and surgeons (for member enlargement) oooooerrrr missus. ;) ;) ;)
personally.....i think Daniel Craig s a bit of a minger......facially.....but the rest of him............................... :p
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