How can a man stab his own children

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Personal experience of friends and indeed attempts myself during bouts of clinical depression, coupled with other conversations and reading.

Well I've never felt sorry enough for myself to contemplate doing that, but do you think you are the only one who reads and has "conversations"?
And what is depression, other than feeling sorry for yourself?
Whatever the problems was its a really sad state of affairs that two children have been taken away, but as somebody suggested in his mental state he may of loved them so much he may of thought he was saving them from something for whatever reason .

Sooey, what is going on with post some really good valid points but lately you seem to hate the world?
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He would not be the first with a post traumatic stress disorder that did similar, or tried to.

Trying to make sense of it as a layperson is very difficult.

Depression is 'feeling sorry for yourself' ? Probably one of the biggest barriers to getting society to treat it properly is ignorance.

Luckily never suffered from either but know people who have/do
And what is depression, other than feeling sorry for yourself?
Crikey, how naive is that!

You tell me!
According to MediLexicon's Medical Dictionary, depression is "a mental state or chronic mental disorder characterized by feelings of sadness, loneliness, despair, low self-esteem, and self-reproach; accompanying signs include psychomotor retardation (or less frequently agitation), withdrawal from social contact, and vegetative states such as loss of appetite and insomnia."

Sounds like feeling sorry for yourself to me. You can argue about different forms of depression but that is the root of it.
I'm glad you agree. ;)

Not that glad though, in fact, I don't really care. :LOL:
How does someone stab their children well take one sharp knife it's always knives knives and now in Manchester granades god were do they get them from
Depression is a chemical imbalance. Thy symptoms may be what you describe, but the inability to just shrug them off is a different matter :rolleyes:

Some people get recurring aches and pains, migraines, earaches etc and say. Some people get depressed. You wouldn't say to someone with a bad back "get over it and stand up, you're self-centred". Telling someone who is depressed to "pull themselves together" is to completely misunderstand the medical condition.

Now I'm not claiming to be the only person who gets this, but I did validate my knowledge and experience after you requested me to do so. So again, I ask you sooey - where do you get your insight from?
There's a lot behind this guys life story that we probably will not be told but it does seem he became mentally ill which led him to do this terrible thing.
I think he could have got help from the police who have referred themselves to the PCC.
Q. What was going on with this man and his family?

This sort of thing happens frequently so why cannot something be done to stop it?
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