Religion? how many decades has it got?

Or, more correctly -

If there is a god then she has a lot of explaining to do.

And Nope she hasn't got a lot of explaining to do, you have to, if you drifted from the rules, and you pay for the consequences, her rules were established from the begining.

She might intervene when all else has failed, when man (or for that matter woman) has lost control of her creation.

e.g. If you jump off a high cliff, you may break your legs and bleed to death,
if you drove very fast around a sharp turn, you will go flying, she told you not to drive fast, even your mother would have told you that!

As for natural disasters, again its your fault for making your houses over a land that is unstable, and as for tsunami that struck Indian ocean and japan, it is probably created by scientist exploding underground nuclear bombs, shaking earths's plates part, and now scientists want to store carbon dioxide in rocks under pressure! and there is lot more nonsense going on in the ground to make this planet unsafe, we are creating this global warming, not her!

Science and technology is destroying this planet, if we lived simple lives, we wouldn't need hundred's of gadgets and billions of kilowatts of power that we need now according to our new modern scientific way of life, mining deep underground, hurting our planet, causing sudden holes in the ground when we are least expecting it, cars churning out millions of tons of Co2, factories, refineries, power stations.

we know exactly what path we are treading on, path to total destruction, the wars breaking out there under the pretense of religion are in fact due to due precious resources, like oil and minerals.

We all know the real truth, but we strongly deny ourselves, our consciousnesses have been brainwashed by modern Governments and scientist alike. An elite group of people want to control the whole earth by themselves. Those who don't cooperate with them are wiped out!

We are so used to our modern, immoral living standards, I doubt if any of us will be happy to go back to the old days of non-stressful life.

That has to be one of the biggest load of carp i have read in a long time.

Theories can't be proven, only disproven BTW. Science and technology destroying the planet, please!! Too many people are destroying the planet, we are becoming a macro virus, and we all know what happens to bloated populations of any organism, victims of our own monumental success (or failure) if you like. D
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Christianity is doomed, i agree... Islam is strong, but it won't take over all of the world. China is too big, and not interested in allah!

Britain is at huge risk of becoming a muslim country... but hopefully not in my kids' lifetime !

Now you mention it..If IT DID happen, what would I have to pay say in taxes???? :( lol....I just did my Zakat calculation.

Zakat is what they expect everyone to pay to the 'Poor', I think?

I would pay £640.00 per year! lmao!

I showed that I had...£12,000 in a bank, £12,000 in shares, £100 in Gold, £1500 in other income...yada yada yada...


That like ....£640! :S
"Science built aeroplanes; religion flies them into towers..."

Science? which one? the same one that created Harold Shipman? :oops: :cry: :p

Harold boy! one of the most prolific serial killers in recorded history by proven murders.
The fact that even i cannot prove many things with regards to god, but i do believe in one instinctively, call it a sixth sense, and there are millions of question that perhaps I can't even answer more than half a dozen, never said I know better than anyone, we all have our views about God. But because so far no one has been able to prove of his existence, does not mean he may not after all exist, the probability of that according to my estimate would be 1 in a trillion that he does not exists.

You often hear in news Scientist now believe they have discovered .x,y,z particles, .... scientists have discovered a new particle that they previously thought did not exist!
or scientist are going to send a space craft with a God detector in the hope that this 2Billion dollar god detector may detect some evidence of God's existence! when it doesn't or fails to detect what they were expecting , that does not mean God doesn't exist!

How can you build a detector without knowing the properties or attributes of the thing that you want to discover or detect.

I can't make a lemon detector unless I knew what a lemon looks like and what it tastes and so on, BTW, I have made a lemon detector, I found that lemon doesn't belive in a God, so those who don't are lemons! :LOL:

what if the things the scientist are now looking at, such as sub atomic particles, TRYING TO DETECT DARK MATTER OR DARK ENERGY, (sorry for caps) which is responsible for holding giant galaxies through its invisible gravitational forces, this is proving very hard to detect, but they know or think it should exist, same wa I say God should and must exist. lol:
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How can you build a detector without knowing the properties or attributes of the thing that you want to discover or detect.

But your god wrestled with a man, your god appeared to a man, did miraculous things, sent a son to earth (and let him be killed) - why does he not do these things any more?
How can you build a detector without knowing the properties or attributes of the thing that you want to discover or detect.

But your god wrestled with a man, your god appeared to a man, did miraculous things, sent a son to earth (and let him be killed) - why does he not do these things any more?

He may have done that, wrestled with a man, and appeared to Moses, and sent Jesus as his Son, I am not able to dismiss this recording in the Bible as at the time of this happening I wasn't there, but I don't dismiss what is said in the Bible or any other religious books from other religions, Hindus believe that god himself came to earth in the human form as Lord Krishna and lord Rama, at various times, again I was not there, so I have no right to dismiss that claim. More like it is convincing enough.

But your current question is why doesn't God do that any more, again If i knew God any better, I would sure let you know when he is coming again.

But I see no reason for him to come now as he knows that we now know a lot better about him, than we ever did before, we are now (or majority of us) are believers, we go to churches , mosques, temples, syngouges, and other places of worship.

problem is the atheist minority who thinks that because they have attained enormous amount of knowledge through education and made huge and big strides in scientific discoveries, indeed i admire modern man has come so far in many wonderful inventions, made tremendous advances in electronics, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computers, surface and air transport, communications, in space exploration, mining, in under a century, but let us not be so complacent and dismiss God.

There absolutely no need to reject God even if one attains enormous knowledge on the Universe, and other things we have made discoveries about. To believe in a God does not require a degree or costs any money and there is nothing to loose. You have everything to gain if anything.

I totally admire what man has achieved, I often wonder what God could be thinking how his creation is doing so well, like a mother who feels so proud of her siblings doing so well at school. And just because that child learns and seeks knowledge, finds truth about how he was conceived, he may have been adopted, yet that child does not denounce his/her parents.
guess what i am looking at in this picture
curtesy of AOL news. (Huffington Post)

It's actually a star burst galaxy, so called becasuse of the prolific rate at which it is forming new stars.
It's also the earliest one yet discovered I believe, and was found to be at such a distance as to put it in an era before star burst galaxies were believed to have come in to being.
No just means 3/4 of people don't accept science. lots of people like BGT doesn't mean it's good. You will have to accept the majority of people are really thick. And no it is not interesting, frankly it's saddening.
Do you honestly think that it is only non-scientific thick people that believe in god?

I'm afraid YOU are the one looking a bit dim my friend.

As albert Einstein famously said "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"...

Even the great man himself believed.

Nope but that shows a distinct lack of being able to separate statements. As, the current theory suggests there was no concept of time "before" therefore "starting" is also irrelevant. but if god created it all, who, or what created god? therefore we go round in a circular argument.
In fact Newton believed in a one God, he rejected the trinity, but categorically said that one God must exist, he knew that his idea would be controversial, so he did not publish his papers on Gravity and God, his work was found 200 years after his death,

I admire that man because he said he wanted to find out things for himself, not from others work, he independently sorted out the force of gravity, and rejected other's ideas, I am a bit like him when I saw that program recently broadcasted, on BBC a few weeks back.

I worked out independently that God could be none other than intelligent and mighty Energy that is spread throughout space in an infinite amount, far far beyond the reach of our universe's own vast boundary, and it is still expanding further and further into this space full of energy, the God energy!

When I get time I will type the name of that program that was seen about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I recorded it.
In fact Newton believed in a one God, he rejected the trinity, but categorically said that one God must exist, he knew that his idea would be controversial, so he did not publish his papers on Gravity and God, his work was found 200 years after his death,

I admire that man because he said he wanted to find out things for himself, not from others work, he independently sorted out the force of gravity, and rejected other's ideas, I am a bit like him when I saw that program recently broadcasted, on BBC a few weeks back.

I worked out independently that God could be none other than intelligent and mighty Energy that is spread throughout space in an infinite amount, far far beyond the reach of our universe's own vast boundary, and it is still expanding further and further into this space full of energy, the God energy!

When I get time I will type the name of that program that was seen about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I recorded it.

Jeez :LOL:
Check BBC2HD on iplayer, it was brodcasted on Friday the 12th April 2013, 9.0pm

Issac Newton the last magician

AAh! found it on Youtube:

If you don't have all the time to watch this rather very interesting story then start watching from 28.30 onwards...what Newton thought of God and religion.
Nope but that shows a distinct lack of being able to separate statements. As, the current theory suggests there was no concept of time "before" therefore "starting" is also irrelevant. but if god created it all, who, or what created god? therefore we go round in a circular argument.

As I have said earlier in another thread on God, he is none other than the Almighty Source of limitless pool of Energy, with more attributes than we can fully comprehend, it includes the personality aspect of him, the means by which he could communicate with his creation, something many of us do not fully understand but a chosen few had communicated with him, then there is the spiritual energy, as one of the attributes of him.

The Might being the other, ability to transform and create, the creativity, and the ability to destroy, the destructivity are all his attributes, forces of nature like the force of gravity, magnetism, and various other sub energies like the nuclear energy, which covers radiations etc, the elctricity, the electromagnetic waves, light, visible and the invisible , photons, etc etc, are all bound with him.

The unified theory, which is unsolvable, and will remain unsolvable, because it is beyond our comprehension, it is far too complex for us to solve as we do not know all the elements or all its attributes.

we can look deeper into these and study what we can try and understand, just a fraction of it is already understood, there is a lot more we don't yet know how much more, that is what scientist are doing today, unearthing God and his fabric and his process of creation, we are all trying to figure out who God is, why he created us, and or the universe, what is our purpose, most of us do not have a clue like myself, but we cannot say he does not exists.

looking into and beyond atoms, the subatomic particles, it is far too complex for an average Joe block like myself, and for scientist it is not easier either, I am not sure if any human can ever put it precisely how it was all done and for what!

And all that so called science is actually us trying to reverse engineer God's work, his creation. We are trying to replicate, trying to create mini big bangs in Hadron collider, we still have got millions of miles to go before we could understand a little more than we do currently!

You guys have ipads, android phones, you use it in your daily life, you know how important these gadgets are to you in todays life style, you ar so used to them that when they go down you are lost!

Yet not many of us really care how these things have been achieved, over so many years of research and experiments, so painstakingly, it all started with some imagination, someone called edison imagined if he created vaccum in a tube and heated a cathod which would boil electrons, then these elsctrons could be made to do useful things!

same way God created us over a period of time, making us looking better and better, one time we may be looking like Apes, and God may have decided he wants to make us looking cool, less hair, more pleasant, omitted our tail, just like on your Android phone you do not have that long sticking antenna! it is all now built inside hidden!

god may have created Apes first and them made so much improvement, just like the Android phone now has Gigabytes of memory as opposed to a few Kilos bytes, God made us with a bigger and better brain and gave us the pentium power!

With the help of all this power god gave us, we are now uncovering his work! the more delicate and sensitive instruments we can make, the better chance we have in uncovering God's fabric of creation.

Science and God goes hand in hand, we are all trying to uncover this centuries old puzzle! the very fabric of creation.

Now, if God is simply a complex form of Energy, not just nuclear but all other kinds as he is the master source, and it has already been established by the greatest scientist like Einstein that energy cannot be destroyed and nor can it be created........

So what does that tell you, it tells you that if energy cannot be created, therefore there is no question of it having been created from something else, or the question of where did God come from, or who made him!

That question is silly, it is a question they ask who do not understand God and his marvelous ingenuity in creating this vast complex world.

In other words there was no need for God to have been born or having been created out of something else, God (Energy) always existed even before time was born!

And something that has always been in existence and never was created, is outside the bounds of time, something that will never be destroyed or taken out of existence is permanent, and is therefore timeless.

So there is no question about God where he came from, he was always there, and still is there.

as for referring to God as Him, this is because one of the attributes of this almighty energy is personality or personification, this energy has many many more attributes that one cannot even comprehend how complex it is.

like most of you refer your cars with female name! a car is a she! and it is made of metal, and is a piece of engineering skills, yet you refer to a car as a female! very strange minds you have. I have never looked at a car as a she, i see a car as "it" or as a him, i used to own a Hillman, so how the heck can you vou call a Hillman as a she or as a woman! A Hillman has to be a man!

God is Energy, indeed he is, there is no question about this, I see God as Energy, if you don't see God as Energy or the other way around you can say Energy is God, it is pitty that if you don't see energy as God. so if you don't see Energy as God, you will never comprehend God ever

It is this energy (God) that gave birth to universe or universes, and is sustaining all life, quite logical and simple, there is no other explanation needed, and one can easily prove the existence of God since energy can be detected using instruments and that proves the existence of God.

If there was no energy there wouldn't be a single atom in the univeres or the limitless space beyond the Unilever's boundary!

Hence God (the Energy ) exists, for definite, if he ddidn't, then the onus is on you to prove that he does not exist and if he doesn't then tell me where did this Energy that cannot be created, came from? through which our universe was born, transformed, or created.
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