walk test results with accenta gen 4 panel help please

16 Sep 2013
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United Kingdom
when I do a walk through test on selecting 0 or the tick button I get all lights 2-7 lit up 1 stays off until I open the door.

Ive only selected program one with one zone.

I only have the door contact wired up (no tampers yet) and only the negative wires for the bells as I don't want to defen myself or annoy my neighbours while setting up.
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You need to either set zones 2-7 as unused, or physically link the zones out. The panel needs to see closed circuit on the zones for the light ot go out.

ive made the other zones unused.

problem I have now is that I set the alarm close the door and it counts down 10 seconds to set, but once it sets it then starts to count back up 5 seconds and alarms.

the only thing I have connected is 1 door contact + bell tamper is linked
ttry putting a physical link in zone 2. This is a known bug on the Optima - it may be the same on the Accenta.
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thanks sapphal that worked perfectly!!

zone 2 is still off but with a link in it


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