Didn't take them long did it!

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
The ink is barely dry on the ceasefire document and Israel is up to it's old tricks!

Israel has announced plans to expropriate 400 hectares of land in the occupied West Bank

Israel determined the land was not cultivated with enough intensity for the Palestinians to maintain their ownership rights
Maybe I should inform my neighbour that if he doesn't mow his law I'll take over his garden :rolleyes:

Israel Radio said the step was taken in response to the kidnapping and killing of three Jewish teenagers in the area in June
So the Palestinians will be able to claim some land in the area where one of their teenagers was murdered by Israelis then? Thought not!

But of course when the fighting starts again it'll be all the Palestinians fault! ;)
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The Israeli's use this scam on a regular basis to steal other peoples land, 100,000's Palestinians who are in refugee camps across the middle East have had their property stolen by the Israeli government using the law of abandonment which means if no one lives on the land the Government can seize it.
The problem is that the original Palestinian owners are banned from returning to register their ownership of the lands from which they were expelled.
I saw this story as a headline on the BBC news website, very very late last night.
But by this morning it had been superceded by 'newer' more important stories. Such as something about football, and some leaked pictures of naked celebrities.

It's almost like they don't want you to know? :rolleyes:
this is the exclusion zone that they created about 10 days ago-i said then they thats land palestine wont be seeing again..

zionist media will bury this story for obvious reasons.
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The Israeli's use this scam on a regular basis to steal other peoples land, 100,000's Palestinians who are in refugee camps across the middle East have had their property stolen by the Israeli government using the law of abandonment which means if no one lives on the land the Government can seize it.
The problem is that the original Palestinian owners are banned from returning to register their ownership of the lands from which they were expelled.
They also use their wall to seperate the palestinian villages from their olive groves (thus not being cultivated)...

And even when they can access their land, come picking time nearby Israeli settlers/army often attack the Palestinians and prevent them from harvesting their crop or destroy their trees....again, 'non cultivation'!

Since approx 50% of arable land in the occupied territories grows olives, this is deliberate economic warfare...

The only time it is sometimes stopped is when there are independant monitors, but then they get the IDF treatment too...

Just one amongst hundreds of videos out there

So much for the fabled Olive Branch!
F*ck me, reading this thread is like walking in on a meeting of the PLO high command. :LOL:
Because the truth hurts? ;)

“What the IDF does in the occupied territories is rule another people. One of the things you need to do is defend yourself from them, but you also need to oppress the population.

“You need to weaken the politics. You need to strengthen and deepen your control of Palestinian society so that the [Israeli] state can remain [there] in the long term.
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