I wonder what happened to old forumites?

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
Bob Dole, slogger, Libby Lou Lou, Hitachimad, Were did they all go?
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More importantly - Charnwood! he was a good egg. Did he overcome his Cancer?

Sadly, someone made the observation recently that his last post was about a year ago, where he (IIRC) reported that had to go for tests (or treatment) as the cancer had spread. I do recall him making that post. In the absence of any further posts, we have to fear the worst.
It appears that his old posts list has been edited (unless I have not got to grips with the new system).
Don't forget Alastair Green too. His horrific accident made us all more careful of power tools.
Don't forget Alastair Green too. His horrific accident made us all more careful of power tools.

Joe was he notbutt66 or something? Yes I think I remember that, terrible. I think his wife signed in to announce the bad news.
Don't forget Alastair Green too. His horrific accident made us all more careful of power tools.

Joe was he notbutt66 or something? Yes I think I remember that, terrible. I think his wife signed in to announce the bad news.

Alastair was notb665.

Here is an article reporting his accident.

Here are his posts:

Top man. There but for the grace of God... RIP.
I've just had a look through those. I don't remember him myself, or the posts by his partner. I suppose I wasn't really aware of some people back then.
Nevertheless, I'm quite upset now I know about what happened. Unfortunately, I think it's too late now for me to offer condolences to his partner.

I do remember Charnwood, though, even though I didn't have any real interaction with him.

This is all very sad.
We shouldn't forget CroydonCorgi either. He passed away very suddenly in May 2012. Didn't spend much time in the open section of the forum, but was a top man and valued poster.
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