Smart meters.

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28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
British Gas are asking me if I want a smart meter or not. Is there an advantage?
Can I still switch suppliers? (which is what I intend to do)
Has anyone switched? And would you do it again?
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yes, there are some advantages to the suppliers.

And if you are disabled, forgetful or too lazy to read your own meter and input the reading online, it will take that task off your shoulders.
So that's about it then? I can do the meter reading etc.
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And if you are disabled, forgetful or too lazy to read your own meter and input the reading online, it will take that task off your shoulders.

Yes to the first two.... : (
How about a water meter then? Is that a good idea?
If you live, alone, in a large house, yes.

As a rule of thumb, if you have more bedrooms in the house than people, a meter will be better value. You will be paying a charge loosely connected to the old rateable value of your home.

A family that doesn't wash much may also save.

If you water the garden a lot, a meter will cost you more
I live alone and don't wash so I'm probably better off then.
How about a water meter then? Is that a good idea?
It is, in some places (maybe all - otherwise no one would) because of the nonsensical pricing in some areas.

In the South-West where the charge by rateable value is really expensive, having a meter for a 'normal' household resulted in the cost being a third of what it used to be.
If everyone had a meter, then presumably (obviously) the cost would have to treble to maintain the company's income - but they don't.

This is the company, South West Water, which, when criticized for paying its chief executive too much, said that they had to pay such an amount to attract people of suitable caliber while seemingly forgetting it was the same person who was doing the job for a lot less before privatisation.
Do all your friends live with you? O yeah! It's called a squat.
I looked into the evidence backing up smart meters and it did come across a bit wolly.

For one, these smart meters pull a small charge off the grid (more if you use the LCD display), I asked a theoretical question - ''if every premises were to have a smart meter installed with LCD display, how much energy would be used?'' I got no response, unsurprising really as it stands against the claim - that being the primary purpose of these meters is to save energy, so a glaring contradiction there.

Secondly, there's the view these smart meters emit significant electromagnetic radiation, disputed by those who stand to benefit from their implementation of course, but enough to cause doubt.

Thirdly, the cost to fit out all these new smart meters has run into the billions and the amount fitted fell way short of that anticipated.

Fourthly, do you trust your energy supplier? I don't. I don't like the idea of a company having control of the power to my home. These smart meters can be switched off remotely from a guy in a van outside - you really have to ask yourself how that sits with you.

Lastly, how exactly do these smart meters help you save money?

I've concluded they are not for me, and that's final. I think the money should be spent on renewable energy projects opposed to stopping energy thieves, ramping up the already extortionate cost to the honest consumer at the same time. I would rather the increased amounts we pay be be spent on creating more energy, which would lead to a surplus and therefore reduced cost in the long term.

The population is only going to grow, and when peak demand is reached and breached, only more energy is going to solve the problem.
For one, these smart meters pull a small charge off the grid (more if you use the LCD display), I asked a theoretical question - ''if every premises were to have a smart meter installed with LCD display, how much energy would be used?'' I got no response. These smart meters can be switched off remotely from a guy in a van outside.

Some of the meters turn the display off, and they turn it from the office no need for a van. One day you will have a smart meter, I guarantee it.
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