Should we take more Syrian's?

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Do you think the we as a country played no part in the displacement of people from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Sudan, it has all been caused by themselves?

These are countries full of ethnic and cultural tensions, corruption poverty, they have been at each other since the dawn of time (the borders and names change).

Pretty much like Europe pre 1900s.

No, I don't think we do have to take any responsibility, our presence only effects which particular group is kicking off this time, and where borders on maps have been drawn. If we had vanished from the face of the earth hundreds of years ago, these places would be just as they are, with maybe a few different faces and border lines.

They have not gone through the cultural changes coupled with 'world wars' that we have that bled us of the appetite to have at each other.

That is not to say we should not help in some way, but stop with your guilt complex.

I've taken the liberty of a small correction.

Thinking debt means lack of wealth, please learn some basic economics.


Oh would you look at that, the number of people without mortgages is increasing and social renters are falling.

So just as I say, overall wealth is increasing, but that still leaves millions of 'losers' (still a minority), but the wealth gap makes them (and me) feel things are so much worse.
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Seeing as we appear responsible for the well being of people who have already found sanctuary, just because they are dumb enough to drown their family, what do we do with all the poor Africans?? There's 1.1 billion of them and the majority are worse off than that ****.
Double-post goodness

Do you think the we as a country played no part in the displacement of people from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Sudan, it has all been caused by themselves?

Or in short, judge them as you would judge ourselves.

We as a people tore ourselves apart in WW2, why should the middle east get to blame us, as if they are somehow a 'better' people not responsible for their actions.
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This is true. Money is created from nowhere upon debt. That's why the house of cards will one day collapse.
What's the point of signing it? Big business wants cheap labour. That means immigrants all day long.
May I ask those of you who believe we should encourage the admission of more immigrants from Africa and the Middle East to read this article?

Before you dismiss this as being from the Daily Mail, and therefore being of no value, may I also invite you to cite any part(s) of the article and offer a clear and explicit criticism of it, giving your reasons for doing so?
Just a small but important correction: The money does not exist. It is brought into being in the form of credit via fractional reserve banking

Fractional reserve banking has been the norm for hundreds of years, it is how new wealth is created.

Are you trying to argue that this wealth does not exist, funny, because I don't think our economy has as little money as it did in the 1900s.

The debt 'potentially' cancels out some of the wealth, as we saw in the credit crises. But do the actual numbers and you will see that (ignoring that most of it has been paid back) the bailouts were only about 1/3 of economic worth for 1 year, pffffh.

The people posting here that we are actually poor because we have debt are displaying a childlike understanding of basic economics.

That is not to say government debt is fine and dandy, but feck me this is some pants on head retarded logic some people are posting. Are people with mortgages impoverishing themselves, or increasing their net worth, if you can't spot the correct answer out of those two, go back to school.
Ha ha! The penny is beginning to drop!

On the news just now, "The Austrian chancellor says it is time to phase out the emergency measures that have allowed thousands more migrants to enter Austria and Germany."
It can't be done. Mad Merkel has said Germany will take the whole world with no restriction. It'll topple her government, that's for sure.
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