Which Indirect Unvented Cylinder?

I did recommend OSO, and still do, But Joule have it nailed in terms of price, quality, flexibility, appearance and of course the warranty team is expanding a little soon. ;) ;).

Fancy that Razor :D
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So Joule over Gledhill?

Another quote just came in for a Tempests Telford, any thoughts?
Oso have discontinued the drop tube. Now they come with an expansion vessel. Look for Vokera's they are rebadged Oso's and often cheaper though with a reduced range.
I like the integration with their boilers though. Having to compromise on your heating temperature because of the HW requirement is annoying. I know you can retrofit the sensor into non-Vaillant cylinders, but apparently this voids the guarantee (at least on Megaflo's).
Mediocre as in they are rubbish. Its odd you speak to some people they rate them
as some of the best.

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