Government rules order another (British born) sponging foreigner to leave

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"A UK-born man has been ordered to leave the country by immigration officials who say he is not British, despite having lived here his entire life.

Shane Ridge, from Colne in Lancashire, was threatened with a £5,000 fine or potential prison sentence if he does not leave the UK because his Australian-born mother and British father were never married.

The 21-year-old, who says he is as “British as they come”, said he received a letter from the
Home Office last week telling him that he must leave because he had “no lawful basis to be in the UK”."

"He believes this is because his mother was born in Australia when his grandparents were visiting the country – but she subsequently became a British citizen.

Under UK law, if a child is born before July 2006, the father’s British nationality will only automatically pass to them if his parents are married at the time of his birth."

Evidently the government is cracking down on these undesirable sponging foreigners, sneakily being born here and paying our taxes.
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I'm pretty sure if he has a British birth certificate then it matters not what nationality his parents are !

btw.. The Independent is a really ****ty source for information somewhat worse than the Daily Fail !

They are foaming at the mouth Rabid Remainiacs !
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The home office has already apologised for this mistake.
But obviously that won't stop a rabid remanic and moderator on this forum posting his propaganda to further his tory bashing agenda.
I'm pretty sure if he has a British birth certificate then it matters not what nationality his parents are

have a look at

Start with:
If he's 21, he was born about 1996.

Observe the results page where it says "You won’t be a British citizen through your father if..."

It's lovely to see the Brexiters are convinced that British citizenship is handed out generously. I suppose that's because they hate foreigners and immigrants and are convinced they are treated with excessive kindness.
Observe the results page where it says "You won’t be a British citizen through your father if..."


Did Britain distinguish between children of married and unmarried parents?
I'd like my entire street to be deported, passport or not, that would really give John something to w@nk about :mrgreen:
Its a shame we cant keep foreigners and immigrants and boot out the Chavs :):):):)

On a serious note, when LBC do phone ins about immigration, there are lots of callers that say that the immigration system is horrible and upsetting. I think its appalling the way the government are treating people that in many cases have lived here many many years.

I guess it is because the government are under pressure due to the huge criticism they have faced over immigration in recent years. But making hard working, decent people feel they arent welcome in this country is not the solution.
Its a shame we cant keep foreigners and immigrants and boot out the Chavs :):):):)

On a serious note, when LBC do phone ins about immigration, there are lots of callers that say that the immigration system is horrible and upsetting. I think its appalling the way the government are treating people that in many cases have lived here many many years.

I guess it is because the government are under pressure due to the huge criticism they have faced over immigration in recent years. But making hard working, decent people feel they arent welcome in this country is not the solution.

When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.

Like with Universal Credit for people in work - its a system thats incentives are skewed and ends up penalising and punishing people who are trying to get out of poverty.
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