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The media has made a good job of stirring up this situation of Ms Begum as far as I can ascertain all she is guilty of is getting married and expecting a baby in a Foriegn Land, no mention is made of the over 200 hundred men that went out and joined ISIS and the fighting that have returned and are within our Community .
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Apparently she has had the baby - Its nationality is "uncertain".

Also - the Americans have 800 such people in custody. They want the various countries they come from to accept them back.

Are the hundreds that have already returned to the UK all in prison? Haven't heard as much about them; presumably because they are men.
Ms Begum is a British subject and parent to the child and can claim British Citizenship for her child

The child will be easier to deport if he, she or other decides to follow the path of his mother and father..
Ms Begum is a British subject and parent to the child and can claim British Citizenship for her child
Am not 100%, but I think it depends on where Ms Begum was born? If she was born overseas, then I think she would have to apply for citizenship of her child.
As Bodd above.

There are internationally recognised laws that state any individual cannot be "Made Stateless"

If the "Bride" has only one state in this case the UK and is not officially recognised as a passport holder, or a fully recognised citizen of A/N other country, then the UK must accept the "Bride" back into this country, no exceptions! this is international law.

One would assume that when, not if the "Bride" returns She will be segregated and interrogated as to what was the original motive for going in the first place? was She radicalised by internet from abroad, or was it radicalisation from within the UK?

As an aside?? how many Ex- DIASH fighters, not, camp followers have returned to the UK ?

What makes this case such a celebrity issue is the media froth and bubbles?

Cannot be made stateless? Where does that leave the world's oldest refugee population,
If this bird and her baby come back to the UK , take the baby into care until the mother is judged fit to participate in society and doesn't have any anti social tendencies.
The child will be easier to deport if he, she or other decides to follow the path of his mother and father..
She may a British subject of conversation, but is she really British?.
I still don't understand why the Syrian govt haven't arrested her??? Is she protected from them?
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