Quitters ain't gonna like this...

23 May 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
As predicted...


Better get used to more of those non-European languages and different skin colours...

But hey, quitters knew exactly what they were voting for didn't they :LOL:
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Better get used to more of those non-European languages and different skin colours...
Personally, I don't mind what language they speak, or the colour of their skin.
Polish is no different to me than Chinese.
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It was always going to happen, businesses need cheap and dedicated labour, and we just announced to the world that were booting the EU out. At least it might prevent a housing crash and subsequent recession.
Are you saying all quitters are racist? I don't see the word 'some' in there...
Why do you suggest that Brexers who mistakenly thought that resigning from the EU would alter the number of foreigners in the UK, were acting on racist grounds?

All we know about most of them is that they don't like foreigners.
As predicted...

View attachment 159995

Better get used to more of those non-European languages and different skin colours...

But hey, quitters knew exactly what they were voting for didn't they :LOL:
At least we can allow those people with the skills needed in this country to come here. Instead of having the EU dictate , we allow all and sundry (with no skills ) to simply arrive here legally.
I have always said the referendum result was about "control" not racism. But of course Elly just can't see the wood for the trees, nor will ever accept any other reason for the result.
At least we can allow those people with the skills needed in this country to come here.
Yep, it's a highly skilled job picking fruit and veg...

Obviously, as it appears far too tricky for our indigenous lot ;)

Instead of having the EU dictate , we allow all and sundry (with no skills ) to simply arrive here legally.
I wonder how many times it needs to be repeated that the UK had immigration controls from the EU within it's own grasp, but chose not to use them...

So it ain't me that 'can't see the wood for the trees'...

You of course can't see either due to your head being so far up your own arse!
Why do you suggest that Brexers who mistakenly thought that resigning from the EU would alter the number of foreigners in the UK, were acting on racist grounds?

All we know about most of them is that they don't like foreigners.
Talk to Ellal. It was his thread.

And no, to be concerned about immigration does not have to equal a dislike of foreigners, or racism. I'd like to see your facts proving that 'most of them don't like foreigners'.
At least we can allow those people with the skills needed in this country to come here. Instead of having the EU dictate , we allow all and sundry (with no skills ) to simply arrive here legally.
The nurses, the care workers, the doctors, etc.?
You have a very poor opinion of them to describe them as unskilled.

Also, low skilled workers are important to the economy.
Ending free movement for low-skilled European workers is economically dangerous – here's why

Better get used to more of those non-European languages and different skin colours...

But hey, quitters knew exactly what they were voting for didn't they :LOL:

So, really, what else did he mean?
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