Buying more garden?

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Check there are not any TPO’s on the trees or its not an area of outstanding natural beauty and you would be surprised how jealous people start making things awkward, anyone can apply to have protection placed on trees.
You could posibly have to commission an environmental impact assessment before starting any alteration/ clearance
Average farmland costs £8000 per acre, but that is based on buying in volume, a rough guess in my mind £12000 to £15000 , but start lower to test the water, good luck with it.
If there's 7 gardens backing onto it then I would imagine they'd all be queuing up if it was 10k

How much would an acre of land with planning (and access, through a garden?), be worth in your area? Would think 80-100k round here
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But imo best thing would be ask a solicitor for advice on valuation, convents etc.
Homes for nuns, handy for the church :mrgreen:
Och you know what I mean :whistle:, not that clued up on religious matters anyway :sleep:

Just thinking, if they were thinking about turning it in to allotments, you could offer to rent the land off them for a modest fee, at least they wouldn't have to worry about you building a lap dancing bar on it
12-15k seems fair, but there is no reason to start low and haggle. You have to make it worth their while.

Personally I’d buy the land and consider leasing out strips for allotments if that is something they want.
I’m not sure what building land would be worth but you definately couldn’t build on this, the access even through my garden is tight. You would need to buy a house and knock it down.

£10,000 would be all I could offer but does seem to be the going rate on sites such as Woodlands for sale . When they said to make an offer I asked if they wanted me to offer for all of it or maybe a 3rd of it and they said ‘all or nothing’.

I could wall off a 3rd and rent the rest for allotments. My local council have a 300 name waiting list for their own allotments, but I think allotments would drive the animals out.

2 of the 7 have access the size of a gate, my neighbour that shares the biggest boundary with it wouldn’t be interested so that leaves myself and 3 others.
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It may or may not be a good comparison, 4 yrs ago we looked at a cottage with average size garden for sale, they would also sell the overgrown field next door (just under an acre) for 15k more.
That is in a rural area, in the Highlands, and no other neighbours who would want to buy the land
If it were me I wouldn't make an offer for it but ask for their guidance or what their expectations are. That way I wouldn't insult them with a low offer nor overpay with one above what they may expecting .
With regard to allotments , there would be change of use for the land and is there or could there be rights of access for users to come and go as they please?
It would have to be through my garden. There might be a tiny bit that borders into a cobbled road but there no parking either.

I just thought that over there there are millions of tiny trees growing in the leaves on the floor. I could grow them bigger and sell them. This could be my retirement project!!


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