We've reduced immigration!

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
'they lance our nan's boils'

'famine hit countries have very low immigration'

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Poor Bodd. Wrong again. It was a three way poll so it wasn't a straight leave vs remain poll. If you actually look at that poll you champion then it makes the following conclusion

"The polling actually found that Remain is the strongest option with 42% of support, with support for a deal at 30% and no-deal Brexit support at 20%."

Conned again, Brexiteers are infants.
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The polling actually found that Remain is the strongest option with 42% of support, with support for a deal at 30% and no-deal Brexit support at 20%."

OK Pop pickers I'm going to do my maths.

Down from 48.2% to 42% is Remain

New in at 30% is a deal

Staying steady at 20% is no deal.

Topping the chart today is 30% + 20% = Brexit.
OK Pop pickers I'm going to do my maths.

Down from 48.2% to 42% is Remain

New in at 30% is a deal

Staying steady at 20% is no deal.

Topping the chart today is 30% + 20% = Brexit.

Obviously understanding polling and stats is not your strong point.

If we need to provide ID to vote then we need to pass a basic test also. Why should the uninformed get to vote?
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