Big Numbers today

A few 737 max aircraft fall from the sky and almost cripples Boeing.for years....A completely new virus circles the globe in 16 weeks.kills 1000s...we know very little about it yet you seem to suggest the whole world is over reacting?

Not at all I’m saying that we need to compare it with other life ending medical conditions. Not road accidents, terror attacked, air disasters etc. As others have said we need to know who is dying from it and who is dying with it.
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If I had to bet on it, I'd reckon that Covid-19 will become another flu, circling the globe annually, making many thousands ill and killing a small percentage of those, in each country as it goes on its merry way.
Given its high profile it might be more like Polio, almost entirely eradicated thanks to heavy vaccination programs. On the other hand the animal vector will make that harder.
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Testing (or rather, the lack thereof) is big in the news tonight.
Not at all I’m saying that we need to compare it with other life ending medical conditions. Not road accidents, terror attacked, air disasters etc. As others have said we need to know who is dying from it and who is dying with it.

it is a strange thing -on the one hand, looking at the numbers of people that die from flu, makes me think 'whats the fuss about', on the other hand I see the pictures of those Italian hospitals and think 'wow, thats nasty'.
It looks like its about 3 x more deadly than seasonal flu. My guess is we have about two weeks of Italy and Spain levels of fatalities. I'm starting to wonder how people are getting infected though, given we are now 2-3 weeks of WFH -> lockdown. I do wish the BBC would stop putting up the social isolation adverts when their own staff are clearly not key workers doing essential work. Far too many of the "magazine" programs are being studio broadcast with roving reporters who could easily be at home.
Why not both?


Pneumonia is sometimes referred to as "the old man's friend". Old people often die of pneumonia in hospital, when they have numerous other diseases, all terminal, and they are struggling to survive.
It looks like its about 3 x more deadly than seasonal flu. My guess is we have about two weeks of Italy and Spain levels of fatalities. I'm starting to wonder how people are getting infected though, given we are now 2-3 weeks of WFH -> lockdown.
Italy (so says my Italian mate) is probably going to lockdown until May now. The cases aren't really abating very well, despite already being in lockdown for 3 weeks. It must spread so easily and in ways we don't yet understand.
Italy (so says my Italian mate) is probably going to lockdown until May now. The cases aren't really abating very well, despite already being in lockdown for 3 weeks. It must spread so easily and in ways we don't yet understand.

Yep we will whistle into June here in uk.

Our antigen testing results will have a huge effect on how we all move in the next phase.
France had huge numbers yesterday. Tripled over night.
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