How Are You Managing Food-Wise?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Following on from Mot's brekkie thread, are you struggling to put together a menu with depleted supplies, or are you enjoying the challenge of making use of what you have in the fridge/ cupboard and freezer?

Mrs Secure went shopping to a few random supermarkets before the lockdown and came back with a very odd selection of items (at that time, it was just what was left on the shelves after panic-buying) like a lone (but HUGE!) turkey drumstick.
That was roasted and made into turkey curry.

We have a bit of bacon left in the fridge, along with a roast-in-the-bag chicken (again, not our choice), six sausages, meatballs, some spuds and a selection of wilting veg.

In the cupboard we have a few tins of beans, some rice, two boxes of cereal, some tins of tuna, a jar of pasta sauce, some lentils and some rice noodles.

In the freezer are pizzas, fish fingers, burgers, fish in breadcrumbs, frozen fruit, meat pies, assorted bits of freezer-burnt fish, lamb shank, a bag of Quorn chunks, an apple pie, a bag of peas and a bag of hash browns.

We have an Asda delivery booked for the 10th.

So my meal plan is:

Sunday: Toad-in-the-hole.
Monday: Roast chicken meal.
Tuesday: Pizza.
Wednesday: Fish fingers and some variety of spud/ hash browns.
Thursday: Meatballs, pasta sauce and rice (no pasta in da house!).
Friday: Burgers and some variety of spud/ hash browns.
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Wife tested Morrisons and Lidl in Bath, both pretty much normal - shelves stocked ok.
Our local village Chemist entry by invite, queue on pavement outside - Heard report of up to 1.5 hr !! wait.
Next village along Chemist running normally.
Quite enjoying making things out of the weird things we have. Making sure nothing goes to waste but quite often am out of a key ingredient to make it really yummy. The panic buying seems to be over now but I've found getting cat food harder - cat's tend to be fussy and not managed to get the brands/flavs she likes. Still, managed to get a whole chicken the other day, that'll please her!
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We have most of our regular stuff in stock but the one thing I can’t get anywhere is yeast. My supply is a bit aged and I noticed the loaf I baked this morning didn’t rise as much as expected. Going to the butchers later to get our meat for tomorrow’s roast. I’ll just have to see what they have. The sardine and banana cup cakes came out lovely though. :rolleyes:
Have you ever seen 'Afterlife' by Rick Gervais?
No? Edit: Just Googled Afterlife Ricky Gervais yeast.
I made a big order with Asda 3 weeks ago and the total keeps dropping (stuff going out of stock). I've given up choosing other options (as they go out of stock too), so I'll wait until the night before the delivery and order what is in stock then.
Aldi don't seem badly stocked round here, but we'd rather not go out for shopping if we can avoid it.

I checked most of the supermarkets last week and they had no free slots, so millions must be doing the same.
I made a big order with Asda 3 weeks ago and the total keeps dropping (stuff going out of stock). I've given up choosing other options (as they go out of stock too), so I'll wait until the night before the delivery and order what is in stock then.
Big-All said that that it's 2 days before - Asda has changed.
Thanks matey. Just been on their site and seen that. Must have changed from the other day.
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