
21 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
Anyone else into running at all? I started writing a short history of how I began running but frankly it turned into a bog and I got bored so will stick with the short version, I've been running for about 5 years and now I run on the road about 3 times a week about 5-6m each run, my pace is sloooooooow! I find it quite therapeutic, allows me to completely detach from anything and obviously keeps me fit & helps stave off the weight - but I do need music to run to.

I've done plenty of Half Marathons over the years though not since early 2019 and am now doing one tomorrow which is a trail event on Dartmoor which is gonna be hell, I've probably not really done quite as much distance as I'd have liked as I only saw it advertised by accident about 10 days ago but coincidentally I had already started to do some longer distances and at least the weather is looking OK.

So if you run or would like to why do you do it, is it a chore or do you love it, trail or road what's your poison? In a club or solo? Ever done an Ultra or something equally stupid? I have a single Full Marathon in me, not sure when but one day!
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I like to be outside so I run. I don't always look forward to running and it's an effort to get out, but love it when I'm out if the weather is good, I feel good afterwards and it keeps me fit. I'm 56 now and have managed to maintain my 30" waist and visible abs, albeit a bit flabby around the edges now though. I don't use music, personally I don't think it's safe and I want to run to my potential and not to a beat. I also like to hear the sounds of nature where I run. That might be different though if I was running in traffic and city noise.

Same as you with regard to the Half Marathon's. Entering them keeps me motivated. Not sure I have the time to train for a full marathon, I'm done in after a half. The last one was February before lockdown. Normally 2 or 3 10K's too during the summer.

I run with a friend on a Sunday morning for about 7 miles, I'm lucky to live near Newstead Abbey [Lord Byron's home] and run there from home, usually when it's closed to the public. I also run to work and back once each week 4 miles each way.

All the best for Dartmoor tomorrow. Let us know how you get on.
I have run in the past, and keep meaning to get back into it. Having recently moved to Devon I'm keen to get into trail running more, but am struggling to commit time to it at present or find people to run with.

My main sport is whitewater kayaking (see avatar) which always comes first if it's wet, but mountain biking or running would be a good option for dry days - I must try harder!
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I've always preffered being alone when running but then I'm more of a lone individual I suppose, I did my HM on Saturday without music somehow it seems easier on an event, I've never seen a safety issue with it as I never run on roads only pavements or paths. Same goes for dayglow yellow running outfits you don't see pedestrians wearing such items so why do runners? I guess if you cross lots of busy roads or if you run on unpaved roads then fair enough.

@ Colin Brenton plenty of great trail running around Devon provided you don't mind hills! Finding the time is often an issue with me but I've found if I'm consistent with when I go ie have a schedule it helps me and whoever has to accomodate me running.
I do it very occasionally, and it is ok when I do. But, for whatever reason, I can't run very far (max. 4 miles, min. 1/2 mile) before I pull one or the other calf.
So, I have pretty much given up on the idea from now on.
Living next to Cannock Chase, it is easy and pleasant to get on the mtb, and do an hour over there.
I can easily get 300m+ of climbs into a 20k circuit, so that is good for the ol' heart and lungs:eek:

Mostly though, openwater swimming while the weather is warm enough. This year, I'm intending to keep going as late into the year as I can bear.........
I walk, try to walk every day for 45-60 minutes. I used to run a bit, but the last couple of times I tried it hurt my feet so badly after. Bought some expensive trainers, but didn't really help. Walking is safer these days!
If I try to run fast I fall over as my top half goes faster than my bottom half!
I started running on and off in about ... 2010 or so. It's been very much a bell curve for me, in 2015 I was routinely running 10 - 15 miles, and did three lots of Paras 10 ( tabs. I did the Catterick 10 miler, fully loaded with 15kg of weight, in about 2hrs 3 minutes, which given that the Reserve Parachute Regiment have to do it in under 2 hours I wasn't too disappointed by (Though they do it with a weapon).

Unfortunately, since then I've had a niggling injury, so I'm basically back to occasional 5 - 10km.

Funnily, prior to starting I couldn't imagine much worse than going running. I only started because I needed to pass a fitness test that involved a timed run, and something just clicked. I was never particularly fast, but outside of the injury I came to really enjoy it. Completely the opposite to you - I never run with music, but very much the same in terms of clearing my head.
Vdub, what was the fitness test for?


Long story short, I tried to join the TA so was initially practicing for the 1.5 miler (Which I eventually got down to the 10 minute mark) but in the end they failed me on medical grounds due to a minor medical thing years before. I guess they could afford to be picky at the time! Got me into running, at least though.
i use to run upto 25-30 k a week generally after work and around the roads just to keep the weight off and like you i got time to think about things, got to say not always great as i would overthink things, but i did enjoy it. I actually preferred running it the really weather, i think minus -8 was the coldest winter and no gloves and after an hour i thought my fingers would drop off and my ears. I havent run for about a year now, im 6ft 1 and now back to 194lbs and i was happy about 183lbs. working from home has had its disadvantages, i need to get back into i just cant find any motivation at all, just lost the will to do it...
I run from the sofa to the fridge when the boss says it's ok to have a beer...
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