Bath Frame Problem

I would use 'no more nails' type for bath to frame and wall, it is stronger/ firmer. Then sanitary sealant to just provide the final waterproofing sealant.
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What's best way to level up bath, frame is built and ready to have thick layer of silicone on. I want the bath to squish the silicone to fill up gaps between frame and bath. Do I level bath without silicone and then take it off frame, put silicone on frame and then put bath back on and check level.
Do I level bath without silicone and then take it off frame, put silicone on frame and then put bath back on and check level.

Yup, level everything off then apply silicone to the batons and all along the side edges that will be against a wall, sit bath onto batons and push up against the wall, smooth out any squeezed silicone and fill any gaps, then fine tune the level.

Fill bath full with water and then seal again along the top edges. Leave bath overnight to allow silicone to set properly.
Thanks madrab, baths in and silconed down. Has been good experience for my son who is about to do his year two plumbing.
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Trying to get bath waste to seal but having problems, have tried washers only, tried adding plumbers mait but still leaking. Don't know if I put on too much plumbers mait or didn't tighten the waste screw enough. Haven't tried silicone yet, anyone have any advice.
Large washer underneath, its an ideal standard waste on an ideal standard bath.
Silicone in bath waste which has sealed it. Now having problems getting the trap to seal, its one I bought from toolstation and has an oring at waste end and o-ring at middle section and conical washer where it joins rest of pipework. I've tried numerous attempts to get it to seal but keeps weeping slightly.
Wrap some PTFE around the bath waste threads to give the trap something to bite onto. It's also important that your trap is kept straight and not being pulled down by the connected pipework otherwise your o-ring will not seal.
I think these o-rings are not sealing very well compared to the flat washers you can get with fittings
Also waste comes out of bath at an angle due to bath manufacture.
When you tighten the trap up to the waste can you still turn it? Sometimes the shank of the waste is too short and the trap nut butts up against the waste and stop it tightening properly.

What make of waste did you buy?
The trap was from toolstation. I replaced the o-rings which came with the trap for some thin flat rubber washers from another trap and it now seems to have sealed. I've checked it today all day and is still dry.

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