Pfizer vaccine report

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Hell of a lot of it about.My fat cousin wanted a gastro band..too skinny said doc.went off and ate more...Had the op...""Bit of a sob story""..tummy tucked....Muliply by a few wonder the NHS is skint

At least he probably paid in. Health tourists getting treated and we fund it for them on the IHS.
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Correct.almost in polio..but mutations occur and vaccines become less effective to some strains..butmillions of lives saved over decades.
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Correct.almost in polio..but mutations occur and vaccines become less effective to some strains..butmillions of lives saved over decades.
With Polio it was all about getting the Vaccine to the last few holdouts to fully eradicate it. Unfortunately anti-vaxxers, mostly religious types and home grown ones who don't trust the west, made fully rolling it out impractical.

Really not helped by the use of medical people to track down Osama Bin Laden.

Sadly it took so long that a resistant strain evolved and now the Vaccine is only partially effective, until the new one finally gets approved. Even then it's back to the old challenge of actually ensuring that it isn't simmering in one little village waiting to pop back onto the global stage.
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Almost eradicated, yes, but without these vaccines these diseases would become rampant, and millions and millions would die, especially children.

If you watched the Beeb news they pointed some of that out with an example before the first peak. Women early 30's fit before, lung damage after. What they are now calling long covid. You might hear about a number of olympic athletes at some point and difficulties with recovery.

The catch appears to be to need to go into hospital - as far as I am aware anyway but there are bound to be exceptions. There was a comment earlier about over 40's. It's not that simple.
Growth Hormone , taken to boost your recovery and fat ratios and allegedly make you feel younger in many ways. Not for me ive always eaten and kept a good balance not to need that stuff to have 'the edge', and we all learn there's no such thing as a free ticket.
Also linked to many cancers. It’s sad how many young men and women resort to cheating to get gains.
Same in amateur cycle racing. I never made it much up the ranks but people are cheating even in category 3.
The problem with this reasoning is that it avoids engaging with the issue at hand, and instead shifts attention to extreme hypotheticals. Because no proof is presented to show that such extreme hypotheticals will in fact occur, this fallacy has the form of an appeal to emotion fallacy by leveraging fear. In effect the argument at hand is unfairly tainted by unsubstantiated conjecture.

Where did you cut and paste this from? ;):mrgreen:
Covid is real.

It is getting much worse than it's so-called heydays in March / April. My sibling who is an NHS doctor has tested positive. He wore full PPE - mask, gloves, overalls, face shields etc. but even that was not enough to protect him from infected patients. Which makes me think - are masks good enough? How many infected people do we walk past everyday?

Any anti-lockdown/anti-mask protester needs to be bitc-slapped.
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