Misheard lyrics

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Old friend of mine from school (sadly dead now) had slightly 'sticky out ears', I say slightly because most people didn't notice, he wore his hair quite long to conceal it. As I said most people really didn't notice but it was always a concern to him, so much so that when he was in his late thirties, he paid for a private operation to have his ears pinned back.
If he hadn't told us about the op, I doubt any of us would have noticed.

I suspect he wished he hadn't told us because whenever he walked into the pub after that he was greeted by a verse of 'holding back the years' by Simply Red.

I had mine pined back when I was 12
Blondie Denis Denis

Denis Denis, avec tes yeux si bleux
Denis Denis, moi j'ai flashe a nous deux
Denis Denis, un grand baiser d'eternite

Denis Denis, je suis si folle de toi
Denis Denis, oh embrasse-moi ce soir
Denis Denis, un grand baiser d'eternite

I would claim I knew all the words to Blondie's top hits , even in french.

My guess is I got that lot Wrong
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You mean it's never been Sue Lawley?
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