Vaccine questions - Is the vaccine definitely as safe as the other vaccines?

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I'm not getting into who fits what category in this thread or on this forum, however I think it's important to distinguish between people that have reasonable (to them) concerns around covid/vaccines and those that think we're all being lied to 24/7 and that governments want to 'chip' us via the vaccines. I'd further assert as I have before, I think it's healthy to question information that we're fed by governments and other bodies regardless of the subject matter. To blindly follow everything we're told makes us sheep.

I think covid is real. I believe many people have died because of it. I think the vaccines can reduce an individuals risk of contracting covid.

However, if I was fortunate enough to have sufficient £££ in the bank to never work again, I'd have absolutely no intention of having the vaccine ... yet. I'd happily remain at home, minimising my contact with other people and only going to places that I have to. Then, perhaps 18-24 months from now, if it was established things like blood clot numbers had remained low and no other significant issues had been raised, I'd happily have the vaccine.

As it stands though, I do have to work. So whilst I'm WFH at present, in the coming weeks it's likely I'll receive my letter saying I am now eligible for vaccination. If I was to refuse, which we're told we can, I don't think this would go down well with my employer and perhaps some of my colleagues, even if nothing was explicitly mentioned. So in a sense, I feel as though I'll be forced into having the vaccine sooner than I want to. And before any of you start, I don't need to hear 'well give up your job and live like a hermit!' etc etc. I'm simply stating my personal opinion around all this.

Yes all medications carry risks, e.g. the pill and blood clots. However we usually take medications because we already suffer from something i.e. it's a preventative tool. I appreciate vaccines are different i.e. they protect us from contracting something. However depending on your circumstances (I live alone, happy enough with own company etc) it's frustrating to think I can protect myself and others by continuing to do as I am now, however the decision to continue in this manner will essentially be taken from me in the coming weeks if I want to avoid any potential awkwardness with my employer and other people.
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So you watch kiddies tv on your own,you proceed to break lockdown rules (even though your a staunch believer in all things Covid) to meet family in a kiddies park,you go on a thread regarding a supermarket to mention a child exposing themselves and urinating or something.
You then mention about doing it over a parent and know you mention schoolboys.
Wtf is wrong with you.
That’s a very unhealthy obsession you have.
I won’t even waste my time arguing with a child. Thank **** you’re back at school next week.
Yeah. I don’t think G reads the small print.
Barnsley is over 100 cases per 100000 currently but hey, let’s not burst his bubble.

Yeah, let’s not let facts get in the way of a U.K. knocking post.

Poor sods can't even read the smallprint in the graphic - the data is from the UK Government - yes that's knocking the Government. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Poor Dangee still trying to understand stats and facts. 1 in 1000

Stop reading the DM it's not good for your brain.
I don’t think there is evidence that other vaccines have a lower risk of AEs. The AZ vaccine has a hell of a lot more data than some of the new vaccines coming out.

There is an argument that once the risk of serious illness from Covid is quite low, the benefit of the jab (which will always have risk) is questionable. It’s possible that long term vaccination will come with an increase in cancer risk.

There is lots of evidence out there for other vaccines - the US has vaccinated 170m using either Moderna or Pfizer. The Janssen vaccine was only authorised for use on 27th of Feb.

They have confirmed purchases of 200m each of pfizer and Moderna plus an additions 100m of Janssen.

The point is risk of side effects vs risk of infection for the person which is dependent on their age and health.
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Saline IV causes more adverse events / clotting than than has been reported with the AZ vaccine. The issue with vaccinating children is the risk / benefit.

they are at very low risk from Covid

Would you agree to your Teenage daughter being put on the contraceptive pill as an easement to her period pains? From what I've seen reported the risk from the 'pill' is higher than from the AZ vax.

Step-daughter had to have the pill to ease her period pains - the pains never did go away completely until she had her baby when they stopped.
There is an argument that once the risk of serious illness from Covid is quite low, the benefit of the jab (which will always have risk) is questionable.

"once the risk of serious illness from Covid is quite low"

but already,

the risk of serious illness from the jab is low

are you assuming that one risk is greater than the other risk?

It's not a one off. We will be having Covid Jabs for the next 3 or 4 years at least. There are several ways to get anti-bodies.

There must be a reason why the Flu jab isn't offered to younger people?

I'm more than happy to take the risk, but I'm 49 and have to wait a bit longer. It is annoying hearing about wasted appointments because people don't turn up.
Would you agree to your Teenage daughter being put on the contraceptive pill as an easement to her period pains? From what I've seen reported the risk from the 'pill' is higher than from the AZ vax.

Step-daughter had to have the pill to ease her period pains - the pains never did go away completely until she had her baby when they stopped.
but what is her risk of getting anything other than a cough and mild, temporary loss of taste from Covid. No I think you need to look at the risks by age. Serious lines and death for healthy younger people seems be almost non-existent.

Its not a one size problem I'm afraid.
but what is her risk of getting anything other than a cough and mild, temporary loss of taste from Covid. No I think you need to look at the risks by age. Serious lines and death for healthy younger people seems be almost non-existent.

Its not a one size problem I'm afraid.

I think that's a sensible, risk adverse strategy.

The risk for young people is so low, there's little harm in saying not at the moment.

As time moves on we shall gain more knowledge about the vaccine, both in regards to side effects and also its effect on transmissibility.

If the vaccine has a great effect on reducing transmissibility the govt might start recommending young people have it for that reason.
If the risk of adverse effects from a vaccine is less than the risk of catching Covid-19 and having non trivial complications, why wouldn't someone?

This is simple mathematics, if you've got a 1 in a million chance of death from Door A and a 1 in 100,000 chance of death from opening door B, what sort of idiot opens Door B (corrected)?
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The risk for young people is so low, there's little harm in saying not at the moment.

Agree with that, but if you leave the young unvaccinated, you risk the chance of a really serious and more deadly mutation occurring.

Long term everyone needs vaccinating.
This is simple mathematics, if you've got a 1 in a million chance of death from Door A and a 1 in 100,000 chance of death from opening door B, what sort of idiot opens Door A?

Well this idiot for a start, your mathematics need to be a bit simpler................:rolleyes::rolleyes:
If the risk of adverse effects from a vaccine is less than the risk of catching Covid-19 and having non trivial complications, why wouldn't someone?

This is simple mathematics, if you've got a 1 in a million chance of death from Door A and a 1 in 100,000 chance of death from opening door B, what sort of idiot opens Door A?
Is it me or is door A the safest option?

Edit: Looks like I’m not the only one to notice that error!
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