ID cards for Voting

True it's not compulsory, which is a pity in one way. But it is encouraged and should not be discouraged by placing difficulties in the way.
Placing difficulties in the way of those who might vote in a particular way?

Thatcher tried it with the poll tax being linked to the electoral register...

Camoron tried it with individual voting registration...

The nasty party always tries to find ways of gerrymandering in their favour!
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It's called a police state...

Look it up. It might enlighten you!

As you can guess by my name, I come from another country, and there I remember you can be stopped by police to verify your identity, and if you cannot produce your national ID card, they have the right to take you to the police station for identification. Not that they ever did in my experience, it's not as if people walk the streets in fear of being dragged to the police station, but I'd much rather the fear of police stopping me than being mugged/murdered/knifed etc. I'd rather thousands of innocent people inconvenienced by a stop and search than one innocent person being knifed/kicked/raped. The truth is, it is not thousands of innocent people being stopped, but there are 100s of people killed.

So explain this


Of course, this was when labour home secretary suggested it!

We are discussing the merits of this law structure, not the people who introduce or repeal it. I personally think photo-ID cards ought to be obligatory and produced when asked by the police.
We are discussing the merits of this law structure, not the people who introduce or repeal it.

I was responding to this:

They don't like change, much more so if the Tory party introduce it.

Just pointing out that the tory party (leader) opposed the idea of ID cards with the other party suggested it.

But the same people that oppose it now probably also opposed it when Labour suggested it - for many it is not a political stance, it's a private one.
... it's not as if people walk the streets in fear of being dragged to the police station, but I'd much rather the fear of police stopping me than being mugged/murdered/knifed etc...

it would be interesting to know if the obligation to carry i.d. cards reduced the number of muggings, murders and knifings in your country

but I doubt we ever will.
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I see the usual activists are still foaming at the mouth at the thought of having to prove their identity. Love it.:D
I see the usual Borisites are foaming at the mouth to demand a change to the law that does not benefit the nation.

Love it.
I personally think photo-ID cards ought to be obligatory and produced when asked by the police.
Thus you wish to agree to the implementation of a police state then...

Oh how easy it is to lead the dumbed down part of the population (in whatever country) to accept restrictions to their own lives...

And what further restrictions will you be willing to submit to?
Driving and therefore having a licence is not compulsory.
Travelling abroad and therefore having a passport is not compulsory.
Having a travel card is not compulsory.
Getting a mortgage is not compulsory.
Having a bank account is not compulsory.

Is voting compulsory?

Oops, too slow
Not everyone has a form of photo or other ID. Driving license, passport, credit card etc.
Don't eligible electors still get a letter telling them about their local polling station, the date of the election, their registered number, etc?
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