Remove all media, do we really have a pandemic?

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Not arguing with you , but

it is said that viruses are not actually alive/live in the first place, so

aren't they - or the harmful ones - more like poisons than parasites; having to be neutralised rather than killed?
No, because poisons aren't self replicating. The question of if they are alive or not is a philosophical one.

Also, live virus is a technical term, irrespective of the definition of a living thing. Just like saying a wire is live.
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Or, one description I've seen, "non-living parasites"....
Well, assuming the description was written by someone credible, how can that be?

an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.

Non living:
And 'FFS' you are really boring us by effectively saying that others have no right to say/express what they think or to have a different opinion to yours!

More fool you!

Either prove the virus doesn’t exist or stop putting it in quote marks and grow up.
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Enough time had elapsed between my jabs and testing positive for it not to be that.
How do you know that for certain?

Some people are claiming 'long covid' long after getting tested positive, so by that logic there is surely a case for suffering/getting the 'virus' some time after getting jabbed...

Different people's immune systems work differently...

Agree or disagree?
Either prove the virus doesn’t exist or stop putting it in quote marks and grow up.
How about you learn to analyse a subject such as a 'virus' and learn to make up your own mind...

Oh, but you have a difficult history with that don't you... :rolleyes:

So your comment about 'grow up' should be a conversation you have with your mirror!
How do you know that for certain?

Some people are claiming 'long covid' long after getting tested positive, so by that logic there is surely a case for suffering/getting the 'virus' some time after getting jabbed...

Different people's immune systems work differently...

Agree or disagree?

Because even if the reaction was caused by the injection, the recipient would not have COVID.
Ellal you seem to be going out of your way to try to misunderstand, or try to find misunderstandings in others' posts.

The virus exists, that's not a matter of opinion.
One can get symptoms from a vaccine similar to those from a virus because the antibodies are similar, of course.
That's distinct from the usually very minor effect of the components such as the "spike" part of the molecule which can directly stimulate some platelet production.

But you cannot in any sense get the reproducing virus, from the vaccine.
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His objective is to cause confusion and mistrust.

A favourite technique of Putin.

Perhaps "ellal" is a "tool of Moscow"
Well, assuming the description was written by someone credible, how can that be?

an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.

Non living:
Viruses aren't typically referred to as being alive as they don't meet the seven standard tests. Organisation, Metabolism or growth are all tenuous or flat fails. I'm not an expert either but I remember that much from school.

Which also means it isn't a parasite, as a virus also fails that definition.

When you get down to the scale viruses exist the conventional criteria don't work well. Which is one of the many reasons that there not universally agreed definition or test for life. Which is where I get bored.
Viruses aren't typically referred to as being alive as they don't meet the seven standard tests. Organisation, Metabolism or growth are all tenuous or flat fails. I'm not an expert either but I remember that much from school.

Which also means it isn't a parasite, as a virus also fails that definition.

When you get down to the scale viruses exist the conventional criteria don't work well. Which is one of the many reasons that there not universally agreed definition or test for life. Which is where I get bored.
Yes, ok.

It depends what you mean by typically and by whom.

Isn't that more or less what I was asking.

You will note that I 'liked' your previous post which was written one minute before mine.
Therefore you might deduce that I hadn't seen your explanation when I wrote mine and that it was not querying what you wrote.
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