How would heaven work?

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That's when I stopped ever thinking that heaven could actually be a thing.

When my Granny said I will meet Harold (first husband who died prematurely), I said to her what about Frank (number 2 hubby)?
Heaven is the ultimate goal. The ambition that you should strive to satisfy.

If you cannot imagine your heaven, then only hell awaits you.
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God blimey

My neighbour she used to go all religious as she found god used to come home late in the summer months and all you could hear from her bedroom window was her cries to god

Oh my god she would say repeatedly than there would be a grunt and her religious ramblings would stop ???
Then, who walks in but Miss Horny (yeah yeah she should be in hell ;)), a lady Mr Bloggs had an affair with and who was hated by Mrs Bloggs who found out about the affair.

Do they suddenly all just get along because they're in heaven?

It's heaven. Mr Bloggs gets a no holds barred threesome with them. Obviously. (y)
So Mr blogs... The adulterer.. is getting to heaven? The after life was invented to make people feel better about the fact that we are all mortal and our life achievements will end in nothing. If humans didn't have a self preservation instinct, we'd all sit down and conclude it was better to die straight away.

In other good news, we are probably only about 100-150 years away from being able to extend human life to around 2-300 years. Though some say stopping DNA degradation in cell division is impossible.
So Mr blogs... The adulterer.. is getting to heaven? The after life was invented to make people feel better about the fact that we are all mortal and our life achievements will end in nothing. If humans didn't have a self preservation instinct, we'd all sit down and conclude it was better to die straight away.

In other good news, we are probably only about 100-150 years away from being able to extend human life to around 2-300 years. Though some say stopping DNA degradation in cell division is impossible.
Yes. I confess to not being a scholar on religions, however my understanding is at least some of them allow for repentance and forgiveness.

Who the f**k would want to live for 200 let alone 300 years. Take 200, unless our socioeconomic model significantly changes in favour of a better work/life balance, the masses would be working until they were ~150.

No thanks.
I'm terribly sorry for putting this thought into your heads . . . . But whenever I witness that fat pooftah giving yet another lecture on just how much of an atheist he isn't, all I can conjure up in my mind is Stephen Fry giving the Pope a BJ.
I think there's a lot of validity in what he says. Religious sorts always have a way to explain away pain and injustice, but if you follow and worship a god all your life, only to be rewarded on earth with a sh1tty life, what are you supposed to take from the experience?

I remember reading an article years back about an elderly nun in Italy. She had devoted her life to god. It was evening time and she was alone in a church. A passer-by went in and raped her. In the church.

Where was her god for her in that moment of need?

As I say, religious sorts will always find a way to explain it away, perhaps even the nun herself would do so. 'God works in mysterious ways' ... 'Ours is not to reason why' all that sort of stuff.
Yes. I confess to not being a scholar on religions, however my understanding is at least some of them allow for repentance and forgiveness.

I thought they all allowed that? Do pretty much what you like, then go in and confess, no problemo.

I wasn't brought up in a religious home, just the usual influences of school assemblies and Sunday school, because they offered enticements, plus cubs.

I got to around 10 or 11 and began thinking about it all with a more critical eye and decided it was all just superstitious nonsense. Absolutely none of it makes any rational sense to me. If there is one God, why so many different religions all with different ideas, often fighting one against the other.
Yes. I confess to not being a scholar on religions, however my understanding is at least some of them allow for repentance and forgiveness.

Who the f**k would want to live for 200 let alone 300 years. Take 200, unless our socioeconomic model significantly changes in favour of a better work/life balance, the masses would be working until they were ~150.

No thanks.
Ah, but that is because we have to pack it all in to a relatively short life. Perhaps we'd have a long tail off and work may be a day a week while we still could. Anyway it wont be our problem to worry about.
We're all just a bunch of chemicals.
Reactions make the chemicals gain energy, from light, or consuming something else.
Over time the chemicals got to react together, by random chance, to produce what we call life - ie the ability to reproduce. Like say amoeba do.

They evolved, so that the ones which were adapted better to their environment, were selected to survive.
Somewhere along the line the mitochondria thing happened which made offspring variations much wider in the eukaryotes - which are things like us, more complicated than bacteria and archaea.

We developed intelligence, self consciousness and all that...
We learned that worrying about things meant we evaded predators and lived to reproduce more.
We thought the world was judgmental and vindictive, like us, so god got invented.

Dying is a bad thing, if you need to procreate, so we did what fear made us think would keep us alive longer. Enter penance and humility, godfearing and all that bοllοx.

All entirely predictable evolution from piles of chemicals, with a a bit of energy.
Chemicals of course are made of atoms which are made of quarks and bosons and whatnot - subatomic particles. Those are (possibly) just quantum ripples in fields, like gravity and them others.

That's all we are.
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