Search results

  1. J

    How to achieve a limewash paint effect on Pine

    Hi, I've just sanded down an old chest of drawers to the bare pine, removing a layer of varnish. I would now like to apply a limewash paint effect but am unsure of how to do this & I can't find anything definitive with the usual google searches. I did read something on a forum about...
  2. J

    Old Creda 790550 storage heater not working

    I have an old Cread 790550 storage heater which has never worked, I have checked the fuse in the wall socket & on the fuseboard & both are fine. After unscrewing the wall socket it seems to be in very bad condition & could possibly be the problem, as a quick check can I wire the flex from the...
  3. J

    Wylex MCB ratings?

    Lectrician is correct the 15 Amp is the immersion heater with the 5A for lighting & the two 30 Amps for the ring main & cooker; there is also a second bank of fuses for the off-peak storage heaters. I will upgrade the fusebox in the future, but as Lectrician pointed out I'm replacing the old...
  4. J

    Wylex MCB ratings?

    Thanks for the advice, I have noticed a visual difference between listed MCBs on eBay so I'm pretty sure I know which one's I need. BTW the 2 replacement MCBs I've already bought & fitted were rated at 5 Amps & 15 Amps - exactly the same as the wired equivalents, can I stick with these or is it...
  5. J

    Wylex MCB ratings?

    Hi, I have an old Wylex fusebox with plug-in fuses, I've managed to buy & replace the 5 Amp & 15 Amp fuses with MCBs bought from a local lighting retailer. I would also like to replace 2 x 30 Amp fuses with MCBs but have been unable to find anywhere selling them. Having searched on eBay I...