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    Washing Machine Candy Grand O Vita - E07 Error Code

    Hi, I did the brushes and the door lock. Machine is still working but will occasionally still throw up the E07. Sorry can't be of any mor help
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    Washing Machine Candy Grand O Vita - E07 Error Code

    Hi All, Looking for some help please. Daughter in Laws Candy Grand O Vita Washing machine was showing an 08 Error code. I checked the internet and saw that it could be a problem with the motor brushes. Sure enough these were worn down so I replaced both and tested various programmes, on an...
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    How Long to Heat 170 Litre Hot Water Cylinder

    Hi All, Looking for some advice re how long it take to heat a Hot water Cylinder. Daughter has moved into a house that has a Heatrae Sadia 170 litre Unvented Cylinder and a Potterton Promax SL Heat ErP boiler. It's timed to come on Morning/Afternoon/Evening for abour 70 mins each time. It will...
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Error code 03 & 04 when demand for Hot Water

    Thanks for all your replies. Your probably right, for the cost of a PCB compared to a new boiler it would make sense to keep it going. My thinking was more to do with how efficeint/reliable it will be compared to a new one. Some say a 23 year old boiler is only 75% but a new one will be 95%...
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Error code 03 & 04 when demand for Hot Water

    Thanks @Madrab. The boiler is 23 years old now, it has lasted well, but I'm starting to thing its maybe time to put the old girl to rest and get a newer more efficeint one.
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Error code 03 & 04 when demand for Hot Water

    Hi All, Looking for some help again with my Vokera Linea 24. All is fine on the CH side it's just DHW thats the issue. When I turn on a tap the boiler fires up and after a couple of seconds goes from error 04 to 03 and the burner goes on and off. If the leave the tap on it appears to rectify...
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Running when turned off

    Cheers @ianmcd. Yes 23 years and it's still going, I know I'll need to have it replaced at somepoint but weve been through so much together:):)
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Running when turned off

    Thanks @dilalio, fingers crossed it's just a thermistor and not a PCB. I've also searcher 'pre heat' and see this can be disabled via removing jumper JP6 on the PCB. So there are a couple of options to try.
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Running when turned off

    Hi @ianmcd, yes its on the fround floor. You came out to my house in Stewarton, Ayrshire a few times when I was having issues, but that was many years ago when you were in Lanarkshire I believe.
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Running when turned off

    No problem @dilalio, I'm always grateful that someone takes the time to reply.
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Running when turned off

    Thanks @ianmcd. I've not taken the case off but the next time it happens I will, but from the outside it definitely sound like the pump and not the fan. Which one is the primary NTC, Heat Exchanger or Hot water Heat Exchanger?
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Running when turned off

    Thanks @ianmcd and @dilalio for your replies. I would say thats its probably worse in the morning when the boiler has not been used overnight. It does sound like pump overrun. I see there are 2 thermistors one at the heat exchanger and the other at the domestic water heat exchanger. The...
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Running when turned off

    Hi Ian, the display will turn off but something is still running. Sounds like the pump. There is no ignition/flame. Only switching it off via the fused spur stops it.
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    Vokera Linea 24 - Running when turned off

    Hi All, Looking for your help once again please. Vokera Linea 24 combi. Switched over to hot water only as it’s summer. I’ve recently noticed the pump appears to be running even though there is no demand for HW. If I turn the water off via the switch the pump continues to run. The only way to...
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    Heating on constantly - Glow Worm Micron 50FF

    Hi All, Always like to provide an update and thank everyone who took the time to reply. It was the Honeywell actuator that was goosed. Replaced and all working again. Thanks again for all your help.
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    Heating on constantly - Glow Worm Micron 50FF

    There are 2 actuator valves, I’ve given them a tap with a hammer but no change the heating remains on constantly. I’ve attached pictures if there are any suggestions to try next. I can pick up an actuator motor at Screwfix if you think this would be worth replacing.
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    Heating on constantly - Glow Worm Micron 50FF

    Thanks @Hugh Jaleak for your replies, I'll take my hammer and of course my multimeter (y)
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    Heating on constantly - Glow Worm Micron 50FF

    Hi @terryplumb Sorry won't be up there until tomorrow, so don't know make and model. I can take my multimeter up with me so what should I be looking for? I think your right re the valve being the issue, being that it has been replaced several times, but don't want to assume this is the problem.
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    Heating on constantly - Glow Worm Micron 50FF

    Thanks @terryplumb. Is there a way to test the valve?