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  1. M

    VW Golf 2021 eTSi gearbox selector problem

    Just reporting what I have read in newspaper reports and reviews: VW UK is reputed to be very mean with "good will " payments, but if you have 100% VW servicing and it's been done on time, they really ought to pay something. Have you looked on VW forums to see if this is common ? If so, that...
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    Another wheel alignment thread ( but different ! )

    Does that mean that you think I should go to a tyre-fitting depot ?
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    Another wheel alignment thread ( but different ! )

    I just fitted my winter-wheels last week ( just in time as there have been heavy falls since ) and would like your views on the following. These Avon WX7 tyres were fitted on my Vectra C in Jan 2022 and have covered 10 700 miles since. Tracking was done at the same time and new drop-links were...
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    Scudo (Expert/Dispatch) Rear Shoe Auto Adjuster Questions?

    TRW is a multi-multi $ billion o.e. parts supplier: possibly the biggest in brake parts. Now owned by ZF, the leading German manufacturer of - amongst other things - automatic transmissions.
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    Don't you recall all those cases years ago with early breathalyser stops ? IIRC the law said "when stopped by a police-officer in ( full ? ) uniform " and then there were endless legal arguments about whether the law was applicable if the officer wasn't wearing his hat/cap which meant ( so the...
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    GB News

    Your projection only works amongst your like-minded bunch of morons. Which petition was that ? The default option has been reversed to 30 mph - you need to wise up.
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    GB News

    Christ man, you really project a full-on image of a C19 version of a bile-spitting, knuckle-dragging, burn-the-unbelievers version of Mark Drakeford. As for the 20 mph speed limit you mentioned a while back, it clearly wasn't appropriate if the boyos government thought it apprpriate to lower it...
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    Puncture repairs

    If that is total tread depth - and not just usable- then on a cost per mm tread, the new tyre ( inc fitting ) is both better value monetarily ( inc fitting ) and you have the advantage of running on a newer, less puncture-prone tyre.
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    GB News

    Yes, that has the same ring of truth as Starmer's frequent assertion that he's working-class as his father was a tool-maker, thereby smoothing over the fact that he was a tool-maker who owned and ran a factory emplying tool-makers.
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    GB News

    The last sentence deserves grounded argument and not simply an assertion. Clearly COVID had a massive impact: national debt as a percentage of GDP rose by 10% and the state will therefore be paying billions more in interest payments. You can then add to that the billions ( up to £ 10 Bn ? ) that...
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    GB News

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    GB News

    No, no. They have announced their INTENT to introduce it 18 months. The 500e is built in the Mirafiori plant in Turin, and a job-guarantee contract runs out in December. Stellantis also has disastrous sales figures with Jeep, Dodge and Ram in the USA down to very poor...
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    Oil Filters

    Gosh - never heard of that. I guess it will be multo expensive unless your deal includes servicing costs.
  16. M

    Oil Filters

    Unsure how you are going to manage that. This info isn't published and manufacturers usually ( always ) insist suppliers remove any identifying marks except those required by purchaser for QA purposes.
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    When the dealer says "part exchange to clear"

    Just a "come-on" like the nonsensical "first-to-see will buy ". No effect on legal rights.
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    Oil Filters

    What do you recommend , John ? I agree that these 15 000/20 000 manufacturer intervals are ridiculous, but would you drop to 5 000*/ 1 year as some internet sites ( Scotty Kilmer ) say are what's needed ? He doesn't directly state it, but think that's for town -driving, as he also often comments...
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    Ford KA - could anybody please list EVERYTHING I'd need to change brake pads?

    Always remember my anger when I was changing brake-discs for the first time ( some long years ago ) and found that I neeeded a hex-key in a socket to continue, and Haynes just spoke about "undo fastenings " Really ****ed off as it was about 16:00 on a Saturday afternoon in October and Halfords (...
  20. M

    Is it safe to drive?

    I have had this happen to me several times with my Vectra and whilst several of the clips along the bonnet-line have broken , there remain several unbroken which I have pushed back into position. You can use self-tapping screws ( maybe with large washers ) in most places. Following the first...