Search results

  1. ikearns

    Concealed 3 pin socket

    I could use a fused or RCD protected socket. Would that satisfy the lack of fuse in the PSU EDIT. Am seeing 240v inline fuse holders so could put that on the live wire
  2. ikearns

    Concealed 3 pin socket

    I am looking at putting a CCTV camera into our kitchen that overlooks the rear of the house and the rear patio doors. As part of a previous extension there is a void behind some plasterboard that has a double plug socket mounted on it and I was looking to put a trailing socket from the existing...
  3. ikearns

    Union Key Blanks

    The keys have 45 and 57 stamped on them. I may be around there later this evening so will get some photos. Thanks
  4. ikearns

    Union Key Blanks

    Hi all, in-laws just moved into an apartment block and only been given one set of keys (which already makes me nervous based on previous track record) but when taking them to my normal key cutter I was told they couldnt do them and if they had to order blanks then it could be £30 each. Now I...
  5. ikearns

    Doorbell transformer off outdoor light feed

    I have an outdoor light at the front of our house which is fed from a plug socket that has RCD protection built in, can I use that same supply to the light to provide power to a doorbell transformer for a video doorbell? Am I breaking any code here? The current bell is battery powered. Thanks...
  6. ikearns

    Putty or Beading on victorian era door

    Had to look up what a sprig was :) But have got some on order and appreciate you taking the time to reply
  7. ikearns

    Putty or Beading on victorian era door

    Have needed to remove all the leaded glass from our front door as the past 120 years have taken its toll and no longer fit for purpose. Followed suit of a number of neighbours and had modern leaded-looking type glass made which is pretty much single pane with adhesive lead pattern and coloured...
  8. ikearns

    Attaching staple plate to wall without drilled fixings

    Why would I want to move house?
  9. ikearns

    Attaching staple plate to wall without drilled fixings

    Thanks to the two that PM'd me with solutions, much appreciated.
  10. ikearns

    Attaching staple plate to wall without drilled fixings

    Property owner doesnt want holes drilled, their prerogative.
  11. ikearns

    Attaching staple plate to wall without drilled fixings

    I am looking to run a supporting catenary cable between two brick walls to support a covering tarp however I cannot drill or bolt a fixing into either wall. Can anyone suggest an adhesive or epoxy that can bond a galvanised plate to brick?
  12. ikearns

    Roof Pitch / Angle

    :D Two more quotes tonight and pitch of roof discussed.
  13. ikearns

    Roof Pitch / Angle

    I will have to enquire with the next roofer. At the moment I have been told 7 degrees and I have no means to personally challenge that
  14. ikearns

    Roof Pitch / Angle

    Does the roof pitch prevent a roofer from completing the roof to the same specification as before?
  15. ikearns

    Roof Pitch / Angle

    Been water tight for c.40 years. Felt/membrane has perished (aged) and now we have a leak. A few cracked tiles in the local area won't have helped.
  16. ikearns

    Roof Pitch / Angle

    Didn't see him. He was up on the roof and advised me once he came back down
  17. ikearns

    Roof Pitch / Angle

    I would guess so. He was the third contractor to visit and quote and the first to mention the issue. There is a heavy tile on the roof at the moment
  18. ikearns

    Roof Pitch / Angle

    Currently getting quotes for repairs to an existing roof on an extension that was built in the 70/80s. One roofer has commented that the pitch is only 7 degrees and not the required 13 degrees. My query is; 1) has this requirement always been 13 degrees or is that a requirement a new...
  19. ikearns

    Running foul water into single sewer

    Our property has a single sewer exiting at the rear of the property. At the front we only have guttering and rain water collection going into the sewer. As we are preparing to add an en-suite to a bedroom at the front of the property then:- 1] can we run foul / toilet waste into the rain water...
  20. ikearns

    Extending Socket In Kitchen To Outdoors

    Cheers, got a quote and the work scheduled in. The only adjustment was the electrician suggesting armoured cable rather than coduit; what it costs in materials will pay back against time spent trying to thread cable through conduit. Also more durable.