Anyone using Toob as internet provider

31 Mar 2020
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United Kingdom
I am waiting for Toob to install their kit in place of Sky but looking at Faceache their are lots of disgruntled customers. Is anyone here using Toob / City fibre and what is it like? Have I done the right thing before its too late to change my mind?
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Well it was installed today and all went well. Super fast speeds, wired connection 980+ uploads and downloads. Wifi is giving in excess of 500 so now moving onto a mesh network to provide coverage in garage and better wifi for the ring doorbell.

For info Sky, disconnected me at midnight I’m sure they threw their toys out, and today I see they are advertising £29 per month having screwed me for £53 per month.

Fingers crossed Toob will perform well.
Had a problem with the sky Q box. Apprently the wifi on the router and sky box argued with each other and the sky wifi was being “lost” and having to be reset every morning. Long story short, switch off the router, disconnect sky box from the mains and run an ethernet cable to the sky Q box. Reconnect router, once stabilised reconnect sky box. Reset sky network settings to wired connection and turn off all wifi channels for sky.
I even get a better picture!
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Installed the mesh system today getting over 700 mbs upload and download over 70 feet away from the house.