Of course, it being Chirstmas the boiler's causing problems...
The boiler is a Baxi Solo 3 pfl-50.
1) Initial problem was no heat. This was down to the venting fan not working and hence the air pressure switch not operating. I replaced the fan with an ebay one for £30 and fitted it myself instead of shelling out for a 'proper' one for £168
, not including fitting.
2) now, something wierd is going on: *sometimes* the boiler, during heat demand, when cycling will vent gas!!!! All the lights on the boiler are on. The problem is that the pilot light, when it goes on, does not ignite... after a delay the main gas valve opens and chucks a load of gas out of the vent!!!
How this is possible on a safety critical piece of equipment is beyond me.
3) So I replace the PCB (with a new one), again with one from ebay for £50 instead of shelling out £150.
... now what happens is that this (what appears to be more modern design of PCB) will get 'stuck' and will not respond to heat demand.... and hence my house is freezing cold.
Any pointers will be greatly appreciate.
Thanks in advance,
PS I have gone to the lengths of reverse engineering both of these PCBs and have circuit diagrams of both 'old' and 'new' control PCB boards.
The boiler is a Baxi Solo 3 pfl-50.
1) Initial problem was no heat. This was down to the venting fan not working and hence the air pressure switch not operating. I replaced the fan with an ebay one for £30 and fitted it myself instead of shelling out for a 'proper' one for £168
2) now, something wierd is going on: *sometimes* the boiler, during heat demand, when cycling will vent gas!!!! All the lights on the boiler are on. The problem is that the pilot light, when it goes on, does not ignite... after a delay the main gas valve opens and chucks a load of gas out of the vent!!!
How this is possible on a safety critical piece of equipment is beyond me.
3) So I replace the PCB (with a new one), again with one from ebay for £50 instead of shelling out £150.
Any pointers will be greatly appreciate.
Thanks in advance,
PS I have gone to the lengths of reverse engineering both of these PCBs and have circuit diagrams of both 'old' and 'new' control PCB boards.