I just got back (wild night or what, stayed out until after 10pm ) and found that I have two leaflets vying for my vote.
"So what?" I hear the voices in my head cry
Well, they are BOTH representing Labour. Seriously, I appear to have two Labour party members who want to be my MP. Isn't this somewhat foolish to have two official candidates?
Don't get me wrong, the only way I will vote for either of them is if on the way to the polling station Satan himself overtakes me on iceskates. But isn't this a bit... unusual? Could it be a ploy by the Tories to confuse the electorate?
"So what?" I hear the voices in my head cry
Well, they are BOTH representing Labour. Seriously, I appear to have two Labour party members who want to be my MP. Isn't this somewhat foolish to have two official candidates?
Don't get me wrong, the only way I will vote for either of them is if on the way to the polling station Satan himself overtakes me on iceskates. But isn't this a bit... unusual? Could it be a ploy by the Tories to confuse the electorate?