Screed The Floor
Hi everybody, i'm back with some updates! Got a little bit more time on my hands at the minute with this lockdown so thought i'd post some more progress pics.
So i was at the point of laying the floor screed and it's done (done in Nov or Dec) and boy was that hard

The area to be screeded was 21sq metres which I knew was too big for me to do in one go so I decided i'd have to split the work load over a couple of days, or four as it turned out!
I made a couple of mistakes doing the floor.
1. doing it in sections wasn't the best way as you don't have a perfect continuation of floor!
2. trying to do it on my own which was an impossible task really to mix and barrow and lay!
I started by doing the small utility area first...
I used my mixer and loaded in the sand and cement at a 4-1 mix and added some re-inforcing fibres and only a little water to try and leave it as a semi-dry mix, doing the grab text with my hand to see if it minded together. I found getting the mix difficult and it didn't really mix how i'd of liked, probably wetter than it should've been although dry enough to hold form so i could put a spirit level on and use a timber length to flatten and level.
This area took me a several hours (most of the day and i was knackered

). One mistake I made here was not putting some re-inforcing mesh at the door threshold whist the mix was still setting. This is only because I was doing it in stages.
The next day I started on the main room using the same idea. As you'll see, I placed some timbers on some screed and levelled those, then filled the gaps with screed and tamped (is that the correct word?

) down. Once all the screed was in and packed I used a plastic float to smooth the area and then a metal float to give it a nicer finish.
End of day two and again... i should've used some mesh between the join!
When I made the join between the two screeds it seemed to take nicely, and at the end of day three it was nearly there...
Floor done! Not perfect but level .... ish!
The floor set and hardened well over the next 48 hours and was walkable.