Generator advice needed - thinking of buying one for a small bungalow

You could always just buy a shedload of 18650s or 21700s on AliExpress and DIY....
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For those of us old enough to remember when surplus dealers had to do little printed booklets, I once recall seeing Bull Electrical offering submarine battery cells !
I know the spec (but can't say) and have sometimes thought that a few of those plus a devent charger & inverter would make an awesome UPS. Doubt if they could be sold on the civvie market these days.
But fork lifts use a smaller version so I suspect "used but functional" cells in the hundred AHr range rather than thousands will be available.

2.4 Machines and appliances for heating and electricity​

Machines and appliances being used primarily to generate heat and electricity for premises that are not used for commercial purposes can use red diesel.

Trouble is, finding it, and finding it at a sensible price. I spent weeks in a determined effort to find a source, at a price I would expect to pay, for my new diesel heater. Many who used to stock it, have simply stopped bothering to stock it, because the cost margin is small. I found a local one in the next village, but the price difference between their red and the white from my village, made it not worth my while.

My diesel heater, which I use to heat my workshop - can use either type of diesel, kerosene, or heating oil. I tracked down heating oil, from a pump, but that wasn't much cheaper than white, despite it being 60p delivered in bulk, and even further away. My eventual, cheapest source of fuel, was a local aero club, which sold Jet A1, at 94p per litre. Heating oil, Jet A1, are all kerosene. Diesel heaters are suggested to burn even cleaner on kero, and this is also my findings..
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Did it on the Falklands on a farm, an old bus was bought, the Bus became a green house, and the batteries Ni-iron were used for the house lighting, which was done with the bus fluorescent fittings. But still the same question as last post on this thread, what size inverter needed to start a freezer?
But still the same question as last post on this thread, what size inverter needed to start a freezer?
Ah, that's a piece of string question.

Go back a while and you'd need an oversized inverter to handle the startup current of the compressor - so perhaps a surge rating of 10x the running current. These days inverter drives are common and the startup requirements are less.

Then you need to look at the inverter. Some will crap out at the mere hint of overload. Others have a surge rating well above their steady state rating - specifically for starting difficult loads.
These days inverter drives are common and the startup requirements are less.
My upright has an inverter drive, not seen it with chest freezers, and the upright uses around 180 watt for the defrost cycle, so needs around 200 watt inverter to supply it even when run is around 60 watt. And upright use around a 1/3 more to same size chest freezer. So if worried about power cuts would what a chest freezer, a chest freezer will last around 24 hours, but upright depends when the last de-frost cycle was, could be down to an hour if only just finished defrost cycle.
..... a chest freezer will last around 24 hours, but upright depends when the last de-frost cycle was, could be down to an hour if only just finished defrost cycle.
... which is presumably a good reason for not getting an upright freezer which has 'auto de-front'. After all, we managed without such a facility for decades, didn't we?

As always, the fact that something becomes technologically possible does not mean that it suddenly becomes 'necessary', nor necessarily even desirable.
So what was the story there ?
I think I was just into my teens when I recall looking at the lists from Bull and wondering what my pocket money might buy.

They seem to be back - With a website just as bad to navigate, as it always was...

I cannot remember the exact details, and I cannot find the post which mentioned it, long ago, but...

I seem to remember, that the owner just walked away from the place, and left it, fully stocked. It was packed with rotting, unsold stock going all the way back to WWII.
So if worried about power cuts would what a chest freezer, a chest freezer will last around 24 hours, but upright depends when the last de-frost cycle was, could be down to an hour if only just finished defrost cycle.
Upright vs. chest is an old discussion. AIUI it's usually down the chest freezers generally having better insulation than uprights. The difference in "stored cold" between pre and post defrost cycle would be minimal IMO - not a large quantity of ice, and being water ice would not help much.

My parents last upright came with a couple of ice packs to be kept in a shallow tray at the top above the food drawers. These were stated as being a reserve in case of power cuts.
I used an energy monitor, I could see the mark/space ratio quite well, and the chest and upright nearly the same. But one, the upright gains more heat when the door is opened, and two it has auto defrost which it needs due to the large air change when the door is opened.

The other difference is the chest shows an inrush when started, the upright has an inverter drive, so very little in-rush. I would think the upright would run off a 200 watt supply, i.e. if enough for defrost cycle, it would run, but the chest working out size of inrush is a problem, this 1734546259406.png is actually a battery charger, but the start peak is the same pattern with a freezer, we know each start will be the same, but the software does not record them as being the same, so only way to find out is suck it and see, but want to know before one buys a generator or inverter will it work.

I could monitor my chest with another energy monitor, but that is my freezer, not the one in question.
Upright vs. chest is an old discussion. AIUI it's usually down the chest freezers generally having better insulation than uprights.
I'm sure that's one factor. Another is that, even when they have drawers/compartment doors, when one opens an upright thereis an immediate loss of cold air (replaced by warmer air) in a manner which doesn't happen to an appreciable extent when opening a chest freezer.
The difference in "stored cold" between pre and post defrost cycle would be minimal IMO - not a large quantity of ice, and being water ice would not help much.
Probably true but, as I observed, having 'auto defrost' must result in at least some rise of cavity temp during the 'defrost cycle'
Upright vs. chest is an old discussion. AIUI it's usually down the chest freezers generally having better insulation than uprights. The difference in "stored cold" between pre and post defrost cycle would be minimal IMO - not a large quantity of ice, and being water ice would not help much.

Not so much the insulation is better, but the design and use....

You open and upright's door, the cold air drops straight out the bottom, whereas a chest, the cold air is retained. Which is why it is an especially good idea, to fill all the space in an upright freezer, even if you fill the space up with empty boxes.
So if worried about power cuts would what a chest freezer, a chest freezer will last around 24 hours

Buy a medical one. If it's at -60 when the power goes it will probably last more than 24 hours.

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