Cable that is 32 years old is likely to be at end of service life.
I'd suggest that you lift floor and run new cable for all the sockets. you could do this on a room by room basis until you eventually have a completely new ring main.
As you will know, behind each existing surface mounted box will be a hole to bring the cable in to the existing position. Get a similar sized hole cutter and repair skirting with blanks made from the hole cutter, dabbed with a bit of hard as nails, then fill, sand and paint.
This is best done after the new cable are in place, since the old cable might serve as a part draw wire to feed the new cable through. Most older houses will have a slight cavity toward the floor line, seldom was the plastering done all the way to the floor line, however you will have to attempt to chase behind the skirting between new socket position and the cavity I mentioned.
If the cable hadn't been so old I would have suggested simple connector crimps, which as a permanent join could have been left in a non serviceable position such as behind the skirting or under the floor.
2.5mm cable is about £20 x 50m or £37 x 100m, so the cost of replacing the existing cable isn't going to break the bank- and if a jobs worth doing........etc