Securing Willow against Panelled Fencing with Concrete Posts

4 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
If you can imagine a panelled fence (the type with wooden panels that slot into concrete posts) around 40 foot long and 5 foot high. I wish to fix willow all the way along one side of the fence but it will be around a foot taller than the panelled fence itself. Given that we have had some bad winters of late and I only have one side of the concrete posts to work with I wish to secure it very firmly the posts. Could anyone suggest the best way to do this please. :rolleyes:
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run a batten near the top and one near the bottom horizontally on each panel. You can then secure it to the battens. if you want a really firm fixing you can use screws with a reasonable sized washer that will clamp the willow to the panel, and tack it with staples in between. If youre worried about the height trim it down.
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Might sound a silly question but how would you secure the batons to the concrete posts. I am asking because I was told not to screw anything into them because they have a tendency to crumble or break. If this is not true could you tell me what you would use, and where can I get them please Thermo.
secure the battens to the fence panels. There should be enough batten around the edges to secure it to
ok I understand but last question if thats ok thermo.
Is stapling it to the vertical batons already on the panels a bad idea, if so why
no you can do it like that, but if you put the battens behind it keeps it straighter and stops the screening sagging and wobbling in between

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