Texecom SmartCom Arming Isssue

20 Jun 2017
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United Kingdom
Hi guys,

I have recently purchased and set-up a SmartCom box. The installation went smoothly and I used to extra com port they provide so I am still able to use my GSM device for notifications.

The issues I am having arrise from the actual app itself.
For example, when I arm the system from the panel in "dog home" part mode, which activates the bedroom and kitchen PIR's, as well as the doors, glass break sensors and smoke alarms (although the latter are always armed), on the panel it tells me "Arming Areas ABCD".
If I walk into the bedroom or the kitchen it starts entry mode two (as it is programmed to do) and the countdown begins - all normal.

When I part arm the system from my phone (which is a Samsung Galaxy S8) it only tells me it is arming area "A".
I've managed to connect to the system remotely using Wintex using the SmartCom box so I can adjust the settings.
Someone mentioned something about every area needing text, so I've been going through putting text in every area.

When I originally set-up the app I used my user and not the engineer - I don't know if this could be related the the problem?

The other issue is when I arm through the app, the system arms, the panel tells me it is armed, but I can walk into the kitchen, bedroom and open all the doors without anything triggering.

Can anyone tell my what the hell is going on with this app please?!

I have a Texecom Premier Elite 48.
Texecom SmartCom
Texecom GSM Module

If you need any more info about the system or the set-up please let me know, as this is driving me beyond mad.

Many thanks,
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Sounds like there are a few things incorrectly programmed. I have the same setup with an S8 at home which works brilliantly. Do you have any areas other than A in use? Areas aren't usually required in a domestic situation, unless you have a seperate garage/shed that you want to arm independently. All zones, users part sets and areas that are used will need a text description or else they won't function correctly in the app. If you have changed anything on the panel since you setup the app, you'll need to log into the app using your master or engineer code and do a "sync panel" to pull the new info across. Are you using the master code when logging into the app? A copy or screenshots of the Wintex programming (specifically the Areas, Area Options, Zones, Global Config and Comms pages) and panel log would be helpful.
I use all areas and all devices, as I found just using a single area didn't work the way I wanted things too - and that sometimes extra steps were required. Whereas setting the entire system ABCD made things much easier.

I haven't logged in as the root user on the app, only as myself and synced, so I'll give that a try.
Attached are the pages you asked for. Give me a shout if you've got any info.


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  • Area Options.png
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I would start by putting everything back into area A. This could be confusing things as you have all of the zones in areas ABCD but not everything on the system is assigned to areas ABCD (your full arm and part arm comms settings for instance) When you're arming the system fully and triggering a zone, the panel doesn't know what to do as your zone is in Areas ABCD but the full arm comms for instance, is only assigned to area A. Also, in global config you need to untick options 26, 27. I would also untick option 10, 45, 46 and tick option 58. You also have a part bell delay and comms delay setup in Areas, that will stop any notifications coming through until after the delay.

As an aside, if zones 11 and 14 are wireless PIRs and not dual techs, I would change the wireless mode back to auto.

When you say "root user", are you refering to the manager code? (ie, User 1) because on the initial setup you do need to use this code first. I suspect the code you are using at the moment is just assigned to area A, hence you only get the "Arming A" on the keypad when using the app.
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May have just found my own problem. I'll let you know.

So you actually posted yout message before me.I remember at one point I did try to move everything on the system to just A but there was an issue.
I think it was a clash over how I wanted the system to person when the house when empty, then when there were people in it but it was armed.

It was so long ago I honestly can't remember, but perhaps I should do a full reset and build from the ground up again, then when/if I hit that problem.

Out of interest why on earth would you untick 26 & 27?
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26 - because the bells will only ring upon a “confirmed alarm”. Meaning bells will only sound after a 2nd defector has tripped.

27 - because you’ll only get internal sounders upon a “confirmed alarm”.

Put everything in area A and make sure you give the area a name in “area text” call it “Home” for example. Then use the part arm omit feature in zone setup to disable sensors upstairs.
Yeah, perhaps a factory restart might be an idea. There should be no issue with having the zones just in area A and then using the 3 part sets to isolate individual detectors depending on your requirements. At home for instance, I have the house as area A with a night set, perimeter only and a guest arm. Then area B does the shed (own keypad) and area C is the external sensors (armed all the time but automatically switches off when we open a perimeter door/code or area C code entered)

With 26 and 27 ticked you'll only get bells/sounders when two or more zones have been activated within the confirmation time window (usually 30 minutes) If that's what you want that's fine but I often see these enabled when people think that it enables the bells on confirmed alarms when it actually disables them on unconfirmed alarms instead!
Firstly I would be tempted to write down how you want things to work so you can be advised properly on best way to achieve it.

It does sound like you have made some basic errors with the programming ie a zone in multipul Areas.

WRT to the app, it arms one area at a time, you swipe the areas across at the top, so as long as you are logged into the app with a user code that's relevant to all areas available. I believe this is being looked at and it may be possible to create a mode to do the multiple area arming but I would have to have a play myself to see how it behaves.

I would make sure to start with that everything is in Area A make sure the basics of that are working as you think they should and then possibly look at splitting up into other areas of the home.

Once you have that working via the keypad look at setting up the app using engineers code for a mode that covers all areas you want to do.
As I said the system has been working with no trouble for quite from time. I did have everything set to just A but there was a ready I set it to all areas.
I'm going to tinker with it today, set all the sensors back to A and if the problem rears its head again, I'll hit you guys up a message.
if a zone has more than one Area assigned to it the panel isn't designed to work that way.

however you may see it working if all areas are armed and the zone is assigned to all the areas, but that's not the way this panel was designed to work.

working vs working properly are completely different things.
Okay so we have things working to a point. Everything is set to A and A only (apart from the Engineer user, who has access to ABCD, but won't be used for arming the panel).
I can now arm and disarm the system using both the panel and the app - however we have hit a big problem (I'm not sure if this was the one that originally caused me to assign everything to all zones, as it was so long ago).

When I cause an alarm NONE of the ARC's are working. So I'm not getting notifications from the Connect app, not am I getting text messages from the GSM device.
I tested the GSM device by sending myself a test message which came through without issue.

I've attached screenshots of how the ARC's are all currently set. Hopefully one of you guys can notice something that I have missed, as this is a swine of a problem and almost makes having the Connect useless.



  • ARC Options.png
    ARC Options.png
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  • ARC Radio Pad & Com Port Options.png
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  • ARC3.png
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Okay I've just had about 20 notifications from the app all come through at once, and the text messages are also slowly filtering through.
I think perhaps it got itself a little stuck, so I'm going to give it a couple of hours to settle down. Do a couple more tests, and if there are still delays, I will power cycle the system.

Thank you everyone for all your assistance, couldn't ask for a nicer more helpful bunch of people =]

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