Windows 7 Repair Disc

30 Oct 2003
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United Kingdom
OH's laptop is stuck in the system repair routine on power up. I have tried the system repair and recover to a known point but no luck. I think that I need the repair disc but we do not have a copy as the laptop came pre-loaded with Windows 7 (I think that we should have created one at some point but that is in the past now).

Does anyone know where I could find a download? I have the product key and I thought I had spotted a Microsoft website that would give me the information I need. I just can't find it now and all links I find point to the HUP site.

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Most pc's which came pre-installed with windows have a (hidden) restore partition on the hard drive, which would restore the machine to the same state it was when you took it out of its box. The procedure to "restore" varies but to enter the relevant menu it's often something like holding f2 while it boots up.
Don't forget that using "Restore to Original Settings" will wipe the hard drive, so all documents, pictures, and programs you have installed will be IRREVOCABLY LOST. If you need to get files off the hard drive, then you will need to remove the hard disk, and slave it to another PC to get those files before proceeding.
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